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10 Ways Carefreeness Improves Your Dating

7 Timeless Texting Principles
7 Timeless Texting Principles

By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.

Introverted men always ask me: “Why is it that the women that I really want don't want me? And why do the women that I don't care about really, really, REALLY want me?”

Well, asking the question is giving the answer.

It's because you don't care. When you truly are carefree, you become instantly attractive to women.

It's just human nature to want the things we can't get. We pursue that which retreats from us.

Now, think about that for a moment. Isn't that also the other way around? Aren't you also more attracted to women that seem not to be attracted to you? You betcha. We all are.

Again, it's human nature and it can be a real pain in the butt. This post gives you the cure.

If you are an introverted man and you want to become instantly more attractive and finally date the kind of women that you couldn't date before, then this post is definitely for you.

What Does It Mean To Be Carefree?

Carefreeness Definition

Being carefree means being detached from the outcome. It means you don’t care whether you get the outcome or not. It means you are worry-free.

Let’s contrast it with what being carefree does not mean, so you can have a deeper understanding of it.

Being carefree does not mean being careless.

For example, let's say you have a job interview. Being carefree doesn’t mean you don't prepare or don't care about making your resume look good.

That's not being carefree, that's being careless. Being carefree means you prepare thoroughly for your interview. You focus and give it your best shot. But, you aren’t attached to the outcome itself.

Your attitude would be: “Whether I get the job or not, both are fine. There’s plenty of other opportunities anyway.”

Being carefree does not mean being careless.

Being carefree does not mean being careless

Also, being carefree is not an excuse to be a lazy, ambitionless zombie.

Some guys think that the word carefree means lying on their back smoking weed every day.

That's not being carefree, that's just being lazy. You can be really motivated, be ambitious, have goals, work hard and go for it with ALL that you've got.

But at the same time, you are not focused on the result—you are focused on the journey. That's what being carefree means.

Also, being carefree doesn’t mean you don't care about women or people. It doesn't mean that you have to be a jerk in life. It doesn’t mean that you are not able to love.

Being carefree does not mean being a jerk.

Being carefree does not mean being a jerk.

By the way, this is a big one. Many men who try to be more carefree usually do it wrong in the beginning.

They don't allow themselves to care for people anymore. They don’t allow themselves to love a woman anymore. They don't allow themselves to open up, let women in and deeply connect.

They think that’s what being carefree means. But it means the opposite. In fact, by not opening up, they are showing that they care too much. They are scared of getting hurt.

A true carefree attitude looks like this: “You know what? I like this girl. I want to be with her, and if it works out—fine. If it doesn't work out, it's also fine. I'm good either way.”

Ten Carefree Advantages In Dating

So why is it that women are so attracted to carefree men?

The Carefree Dating Advantage #1

Carefree advantages in dating

People will want to be around you because they hope your carefreeness will rub off on them.

Happiness and carefree-ness is something that all people want and are attracted to. So when you are happy and carefree, not only women, but all people will see it.

People will think that you have figured it all out. They'll think you know secrets that they don't know. They'll want to be around you because they hope that this carefree-ness and the secrets to life will rub off on them.

The Carefree Dating Advantage # 2

Carefree superpowers

Carefreeness gives you super capabilities.

The second advantage of being carefree is that you get access to what I call your “super capabilities”. When you are carefree, you don't have any worries. You are totally relaxed because you are not attached to any outcome.

When you are relaxed, you can access the full power of your mind and tap into its full potential. Let me give you an example.

Most guys care way too much when they go out on a date with a woman. Their happiness is so dependent on whether that woman will like them or not.

They are so needy and scared of not succeeding that they are in a stressed and anxious state.

“What if it goes wrong? What if she doesn't like me?”

Instead of being relaxed and enjoying the date, they have all these questions in their mind. Their mind is cluttered with worries, and as a result they’re not able to access their full potential.

What if it goes wrong? What if she doesn't like me? This kind of attitude ruins your dating life.

What if it goes wrong? What if she doesn't like me? This kind of attitude ruins your dating life.

What that means is that they won’t be naturally funny and witty. And they won’t be able to have a normal, free-flowing conversation.

They’ll ask catastrophic questions like, "How am I doing so far?" Or, "Do you think we are a good match?"

Women will see, hear, feel and even smell their neediness and anxiety. And guess what?

That’s repulsive to women. Women are attracted to confident men, not to scared little boys.

When you are carefree, you get access to the opposite of that. You get access to your super capabilities.

Think about a time when you were meeting with a woman that you were not really interested in. Think about how well your date or your interaction went.

Think about how you acted. Everything that came out of your mouth was right on, and it was like you were on fire—because you didn't care.

Positive dating expectations

A better attitude is this: Let's find out if we match. If we match, it's good, if we don't match, it's fine. There are plenty of other opportunities out there.

Now, in that situation, you probably didn't care about the woman because she wasn't your type.

But wouldn’t it be great if you could have that effect on the women that actually are your type?

Wouldn’t it be great to have that effect on the women that you always wanted, but who didn’t reciprocate?

That’s what being carefree allows you to do.

It allows you to get into that same state of not caring whether she likes you or not. You're caring about the process, about going on a date and having fun, but you're not caring about the result.

You have that attitude of: "Let's find out if we match. If we match, it's good, if we don't match, it's fine. There are plenty of other opportunities out there."

You're detached from the outcome, and that will allow you to get those top-notch quality women that you couldn't get before.

The Carefree Dating Advantage Number 3

Carefree dating advantage nr 3

Carefree-ness implies you have abundance with women.

Carefree-ness implies you have abundance with women. It implies you are preselected by many women.

Preselection is one of the most important attraction triggers. Preselection states that women will be attracted to a man if they know that other women are attracted to that man.

There are some good evolutionary reasons for this, which I can’t go into in this post because it would be too long.

The Carefree Dating Advantage #4

Carefree dating advantage nr 4

Indifference is sexy.

Fourth, when you're carefree that also means you're indifferent. That's very attractive to women because women want what they can't get.

In fact, humans want what they can't get.

But when it comes to dating, women want what they can’t have even more.

That’s because women usually have the power in dating. Men are throwing themselves at their feet (sometimes even literally).

When you are carefree and indifferent, that is something that women almost never see.

The Carefree Dating Advantage #5

Carefree dating advantage nr 5

Carefree-ness relaxes both you and her.

When you're carefree and don’t have a worry in the world, it will show in your eye contact, and in your body language.

Here’s a golden rule to remember when interacting with women.

If you feel it, they feel it.

What that means is that if you feel carefree and relaxed, they will also feel carefree and relaxed.

That's important—if a woman doesn't feel relaxed around you, she won’t feel comfortable with you.

And when a woman doesn’t feel comfortable around you, you're going to have a really hard time dating her. And an even harder time becoming sexually intimate with her, or turning her into your girlfriend.

The Carefree Dating Advantage #6

Carefree dating advantage nr 6

Authenticity creates attraction.

The sixth reason that being carefree is so attractive to women is because when you are carefree, you are more authentic.

Authenticity creates attraction.

Let me repeat that: authenticity creates attraction.

Let me give you an example. We all have some core traits that make people like us. The problem is that when a guy is not carefree, he's going to be nervous. He's not going to be himself. He will not show or share his core traits that make him attractive.

Instead, what he's doing is concealing his true self. He’ll show some version of himself that he's actually not.

And all of that is simply because he cares too much about whether or not she will like him.

He is putting on a persona based in fear, and that's really a losing strategy.

But when you are carefree, you have no fear. You share your opinions, and that's an important thing.

Women love men who have strong opinions, because it implies that they are strong men. They are not afraid to tell others what their opinion is.

By sharing your opinions, you create attraction.

The Carefree Dating Advantage #7

Carefree dating advantage nr 7

Carefree-ness helps you to break rapport. And breaking rapport creates attraction.

You'll stop agreeing and bending your reality to her reality. You'll stop trying to obsessively look for commonalities, like, "Oh, we like the same pizza topping," or, "Oh, you like Labradors? I like Labradors too," or, "Oh, you like Italy? Oh, I like Italy too."

That also means that you’ll have no problem disagreeing with women.

You see, in a conversation there will be some points on which you disagree. And most men usually agree with women even though they have another opinion.

Women can feel that and it’s repulsive to them.

When you're carefree you won’t have that problem. You’ll naturally disagree when you have another opinion then her.

That creates a lot of attraction because it breaks rapport. Why does breaking rapport create attraction?

There are so many good things about breaking rapport.

First of all, she'll see you as an honest person, and honesty is important to women.

Second, she'll respect you. A woman needs to respect you before she can be attracted to you.

Third, she'll assume that you have your pick of women in life. Look at it like this: Would a man who has no options with women dare to disagree with his only option?

Of course not! So by disagreeing, you imply that you have other options. That means she'll assume that you are preselected.

Again, preselection is a very, VERY powerful attraction trigger within women.

The Carefree Dating Advantage #8

Carefree dating advantage nr 8

Carefreeness creates deep connections.

When you are carefree and stop seeking those commonalities, something magical happens in the conversation.

You will open the door to new conversation topics—topics you probably would never have gone into because you cared too much about saying the right thing.

You’ll talk about things where both of you will be thinking, "My gosh, we only just met each other and we are already talking about these topics? Wow."

The Carefree Advantage #9

Carefree dating advantage nr 9

Carefree-ness allows you to have free-flowing conversations

When you're carefree, you will never run out of things to say. Usually we run out of things to say when we are stressed or when we care too much about keeping the conversation running.

But when you don't care about that, that’s when you get into that free-flowing conversation state.

The Carefree Dating Advantage #10

Carefree dating advantage nr 10

And last but not least, when you're carefree you have that take-it-or-leave-it attitude. That doesn't mean you're being an arrogant asshole.

But it does mean this: If she likes you, great. If she doesn't like you, also great. You're not going to change yourself or bend your reality for a woman that you just met.

There's plenty of fish out there. Surely in the three billion women that are on the planet, there will be women that are a good fit for you.

Having that take-it-or-leave-it attitude means that she will have to work for you. It turns the tables on her. She'll start to chase you instead of you chasing her.

Now that we've covered the advantages of being carefree and the principles of why it works, here are some carefree techniques for specific situations with women and dating.

I call them carefree dating mantras, and I’d like to share four of them with you right now. These carefree dating mantras are designed to help you with the most difficult dating situations so that you can pass them with flying colors.

Here they are.

1. The Carefree Texting Mantra

Carefreeness and texting

Texting with women is one of those moments that you truly want to be carefree. If you're not carefree, you'll become needy. And that neediness will ruin your chances with her.

For example: You send her a text. She doesn’t reply right away, and your neediness kicks in.

Before you know it, you send her wussy attraction-killing texts, like: "Are you still there? Is everything okay?" That's totally wrong. Being carefree solves this problem.

So here’s a specific mantra, or mind script, to use when texting with women.

Whenever you're in a texting conversation with a woman, I want you to loop this thought in your mind:

"I'm totally carefree. I'm the buyer here and I'm not easily sold. I'm totally carefree. I'm the buyer here and I'm not easily sold. I'm totally carefree. I'm the buyer here and I'm not easily sold." Etc.

By looping that mantra, you will automatically become less needy and write better text messages.

Also, you won’t be checking your phone every 30 seconds and you won't be worrying about why she didn't respond immediately.

2. The Carefree First Date Mantra

The second carefree mantra is when you go on a date. I'm a firm believer in doing solid preparation. It really does most of the hard work. When most guys go on a date with women, they are already sold.

They are needy and almost desperate. They’re scared that it won't work out. Scared that she will reject them. Scared that she will not like them.

I want you to prepare for a date and have the right mindset. What I want you to tell yourself is this:

"I'm going to have a good time, regardless of what happens. Whatever happens, it is what is. There is always another better opportunity down the corner. There are more than three billion women on the planet, and I don't need a thing because I'm already awesome as I am. I'm such a carefree badass, and women love that about me."

Just read that mantra and say it to yourself a few times right before you go on your date. It will help you a lot.

3. The Carefree Flaking Mantra

Carefreenes and flakes

Another hard situation for most men is when women flake on them.

Most guys take it really personally and it messes with their head. Don’t let that happen to you. Ever!

What I want you to do when that happens is to use this mantra: "Hey, it is what it is, and everything is exactly how it's supposed to be at this moment in my life. It's exactly how it's supposed to be."

That's the first thing I want you to tell yourself. It will make you accept the situation. Acceptance is key. Suffering is caused by not accepting our situation. Once we accept our situation, the suffering stops. Next I want you to dial it up.

Ask yourself: "Hey, what's great about this situation?" "How would the most carefree and self-confident version of myself interpret this?"

This will help you come up with some positive stuff.

4. The Carefree Friend Zone Mantra

Carefreeness and the friend zone

Another difficult situation is if you ever get friend-zoned. Here’s what I want you to do. Again, first accept it. Tell yourself, "It is what it is. Everything is exactly how it's supposed to be at this moment in my life."

The second thing I want you to ask yourself is: "So what's great about this? How can I use this to my advantage?"

Your mind will come up with positives.

For example: “At least I'm friends with her, and there are many advantages to being her friend. In the meantime, I can grow my attractiveness and learn more about dating. Also, she'll have other friends that she can introduce me to. I'll be able to date many more women through her without having to approach women. She'll introduce me to them if I'm a good friend to her."

That's one thing.

The other one you might come up with is, "Hey, it's actually great that I'm friend-zoned because if I weren't she wouldn't want to see me anymore, and that would be worse. Now that I'm friend-zoned, at least I can build a strategy to get out of it."

By the way, I have another blog post that shows you how to get out of the friend zone.

You can even use that strategy to turn her into your girlfriend.

If you weren't in the friend zone, and she wouldn’t want to see you anymore, then you can't use that strategy.

See, when you look at it like this it’s actually a good thing.


Being carefree is one of the most attractive personality traits that you can develop as a man.

By being carefree, you'll be able to attract and date women that you previously couldn't date and have them chase you instead of you chasing them.

You'll be also much happier and fulfilled in all other areas of your life. By now, you might be wondering… “So, how do I become carefree?”

I thought you’d never ask.

One of the fastest and easiest ways to become carefree is to use thought loops.

Thought loops are a very powerful inner psychology tool that can fix about any psychological issue that you want. I know it sounds hyped. But it really is that powerful.

And I would like to give you free access to my Carefree Thought Loop System. You can access it right here.

Download it right now. You can be reading it within minutes, and you can start applying the thought loops today. In 90 days, you will be transformed into a carefree man. That is, if you do them right.

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