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7 Proven Daily Rituals That Will Improve Your Dating Life

25 REAL Reasons Why Introverted Men Are So Damn Attractive
25 REAL Reasons Why Introverted Men Are So Damn Attractive
7 Reliable Hacks That Will Get You Out Of The Friendzone
7 Reliable Hacks That Will Get You Out Of The Friendzone

By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.

What’s the ultimate magic secret to meeting tons of amazing women and getting dates with them?

The answer might sound like a no-brainer to you…

You need to have the right rituals—rituals focused on getting you dates with great women.

But if it’s so simple, why do I hear so many introverted men telling me, ‘Nick, I just can’t get my dating life handled.’ Or: ‘Why is it so hard to just get a date with a woman I’m really interested in?’

The answer: most introverted men have the wrong rituals—rituals that lead to loneliness.

They read dating advice. Then they over-analyze and come up with dozens of reasons why it won’t work for them.

The more intelligent they are, the more clever their reasons not to take action.

The result? They procrastinate on this part of their life and focus on their jobs, hobbies, and friends.

If that’s you, be warned! This is the path to doom!

The more you live this lifestyle, the more you’ll get used to it.

In the meantime, you’re getting older. Your negative habits sink in deeper. Your limiting beliefs grow stronger. The more you wait, the harder it gets.

Before you know it, you’ll be settling for a woman you don’t feel attracted to or you’ll stay alone for the rest of your life.

Granted, most dating advice is just plain wrong for introverted men: PUA advice, bad-guy advice, or advice geard toward extroverts.

If you’re a smart, introverted man, all of those options make you feel like you’re betraying yourself.

And so you keep doing your daily rituals: job, friends, hobbies, etc.

The ONLY way out of this is to develop some new rituals.

So, with all that in mind, here they come… my top 7 road-tested, results-guaranteed rituals to get your dating life fixed in no time:

1. Daily Thought Loops

Thought Loops Will Shape Your Day And Your Dating Life.

Thought Loops Will Shape Your Day And Your Dating Life.

What are thought loops? Thought loops are like affirmations. The difference is that affirmations are spoken out loud, while thought loops are silent. You say affirmations, but you think thought loops.

Why are affirmations important?

Dr. Maxwell Maltz discovered that positive affirmations change people’s self-image.

Thought loops are much more practical because they are silent. You use them any time you want. You can use them at work, in the car, on the train, or while you’re doing something else.

This means that you’ll use them more often, and they are therefore more powerful to change your self-image. You need to use thought loops every day for 90 days straight to change your self-image.

Psycho Cybernetics: The Masterpiece Book Of Dr Maxwell Maltz

Psycho Cybernetics: The Masterpiece Book Of Dr Maxwell Maltz

By using thought loops every morning when you get up, you start your day off on the right foot. You get an immediate flood of positive thoughts that shape your day, and after 90 days it shapes your life.

So your first ritual is to use positive thought loops daily. And by the way, they don’t cost you any time, because you can loop them in your head while you’re doing something else.

How do thought loops get you dates?

Thought loops make you more confident and destroy any approach anxiety you might have.

If you would like to know exactly how to build more confidence using thought loops, then download this FREE training: The 5 REAL Secrets To Becoming A Badass With Women.

It gives you step-by-step instructions on how to use thought loops the right way, plus a lot more.


2. Do 50 Pushups in the Morning

Daily Push Ups Will Minimize Your Approach Anxiety By Boosting Your Testosterone. You’ll Also Increase Your Physical Attractiveness Over Time.

Daily Push Ups Will Minimize Your Approach Anxiety By Boosting Your Testosterone. You’ll Also Increase Your Physical Attractiveness Over Time.

Doing 50 pushups immediately when you wake up is a killer ritual.


Doing pushups when you just wake up activates your metabolism. You’ll lose excess weight.

Second, you are fresh and awake immediately. No more “zombie time” in the morning.

Third, you boost your testosterone. Testosterone is key for your well-being and confidence levels. The more confident you are, the easier it will be for you to talk to women.

Fourth, it builds you a great chest. Yes, just 50 pushups every morning will build you a great chest over time. And no, you don’t need to skip days to let your body rest.

Just look at the athletes of Cirque du Soleil. They train every day, seven days a week, and they have great muscular bodies.

Vince Delmonte, the famous fitness trainer, has a course on this. In his course, he explains different training methods.

Everybody talks about rest periods for your body, but there is a kind of training you can do every day that will build you a body like a Greek god.

The great thing about doing 50 pushups in the morning is that you do them when you have the most energy. You get them out of the way immediately, and you start your day feeling great.

You feel great because of the testosterone boost, but also because of the satisfaction of knowing you already took care of your body.

Now, of course, you can still go the gym three times a week on top of that if you want.

Start at 50 pushups and gradually increase over time, if you want to.

If you can’t do 50 pushups, then do three rounds until failure.

Do this every day and work up the number of pushups.

And remember, a great body will make you more attractive to women. It’s aesthetically more attractive. But also it signals to women that you have self-respect and discipline.


3. Daily Power Posing

Power Posing Dramatically Reduces Approach Anxiety By Minimizing Cortisol And Maximizing Testosterone – IN JUST 2 MINUTES!

Power Posing Dramatically Reduces Approach Anxiety By Minimizing Cortisol And Maximizing Testosterone – IN JUST 2 MINUTES!

Power Posing was discovered by sociology professor Amy Cuddy.

She discovered that certain poses increase your testosterone by up to 40% and decrease cortisol by as much as 40% - IN JUST TWO MINUTES!

That’s right. Just two minutes of power posing skyrockets your testosterone and kills your cortisol.

Why does this matter?

Testosterone impacts confidence. The higher your testosterone, the higher your confidence levels.

Cortisol is a stress hormone. The lower your cortisol, the lower your stress levels.

So by maximizing your testosterone and minimizing your cortisol, you’ll have less approach anxiety and more confidence talking to women.

Talking to women is a crucial habit to develop if you want to get your dating life fixed.

If you want to learn our best power posing exercise, then download our FREE training: The 5 REAL Secrets To Becoming A Badass With Women.

Your daily ritual: use power posing for two minutes in the morning, two minutes at noon, and two minutes in the evening.


4. Always Dress Your Best.

Have You Ever Seen A Woman And Didn’t Talk To Her Because You Felt You Weren’t Looking Your Best?

Have You Ever Seen A Woman And Didn’t Talk To Her Because You Felt You Weren’t Looking Your Best?

Fashion is one of the easiest ways to increase your attractiveness.

It’s the lowest-hanging fruit of all the low-hanging fruits.

Most men are focused on learning dating skills and game, but they neglect the fashion part. Or worse, they dress like a weird pick-up artist.

Let me tell you this. When you dress badly, everything is more difficult.

When you dress great, you need way less dating skills. Women are more attracted to you just based on your presentation.

How’s that for a hack? It’s so easy that it astonishes me some men don’t take advantage of this hack. Instead, they learn pick-up routines and flashy games to get women’s attention.

Just dress better and you’ll get a ton more success, more easily.

Now why is that?

Well, first of all, dressing well makes you look more attractive.

Second, you feel more confident.

Third, good fashion has always been a sign of high status. As you know, women are attracted to high-status men.

So make sure you always dress well before you leave your place.

Fourth, you’ll always be ready to meet women.

Have you ever seen a woman and didn’t talk to her because you felt you weren’t looking your best?

By making it a ritual to always dress your best, you’ll always be ready to talk to women.


5. Always Have Attractive Body Language

James Bond Showing Attractive Body Language By Standing Tall. Look How His Feet Are Shoulders’ Width Apart.

James Bond Showing Attractive Body Language By Standing Tall. Look How His Feet Are Shoulders’ Width Apart.

Have you ever wondered how to be more attractive, or what really triggers attraction in women? The answer: your body language.

Yes, there are tons of products and books on games, tricks, and routines to create attraction. But nothing triggers attraction like the right body language.

Did you know women prefer an average conversation with a man with attractive body language over a great conversation with a man with poor body language?

Yes, your body language is much more powerful than any words you might utter.

Even if you can paint a Monet with your words, women still prefer a man with average conversation skills and great body language.

There are some good evolutionary reasons for that.

Also, remember this:

Women are always watching, even if you don’t see them.

Make sure to ALWAYS have attractive body language on, even when you don’t see a woman near you. I can guarantee that somewhere, there’s a woman who has noticed you.

If you show the slightest hint of weakness in your body language, she will already have disqualified you. All of that happens in a heartbeat before you even saw her. BOOM, you already lost.

The opposite is also true. Have attractive body language on all the time, and you’ll trigger attraction in women from a distance.

Here are some body language tips you can use:

- When standing, stand tall. Make sure your feet are shoulders’ width apart.

- When walking, walk with big strides.

- When sitting, take up lots of space. Make yourself bigger.

- Pull your shoulders back and put your chest out.

- Keep your chin high.

Some good news for you: if you do rituals 1,2, 3, and 4, you’ll automatically have more attractive body language.

That’s because your body language is a reflection of your inner world.

If you don’t feel confident, you have weak body language.

The opposite is also true. If you feel confident, you have powerful, confident body language. That’s why those first four rituals are so critical.

Do this and you’ll get many attraction signals, which brings me to my next point.


6. Always Look For Conversation Invitations

Spotting Approach Invitations Is The Secret Skill Of The World's Best Womanizers

Spotting Approach Invitations Is The Secret Skill Of The World's Best Womanizers

This is what the most advanced womanizers do.

They know how to spot women that are attracted to them. They avoid losing time on the wrong women.

This enables them to have ridiculously high success rates.

It’s critical that you develop the habit of spotting signs of attractions and conversation invitations.

Conversation invitations are signs women give off when they want you to approach them.

Here are some signs that indicate women want you to approach them:

- Eye contact

- Smiling at you

- Nodding at you

Make no mistake. Women will avoid looking at men, smiling at men, or nodding at men that they are not attracted to at all costs, unless they already know that man.

There are more than 60 different signs women can give off when they are attracted to a man.

Having the ability to spot these signs will snowball your confidence.

And when you see them, make sure to…


7. Approach Women That Gave You Approach Invitations.

The 6 Previous Rituals Have One Purpose: To Make You Approach And Start Conversation With Women. This Is Where The Rubber Meets The Road. Without This Ritual, Your Dating Life Will Never Really Take Off.

The Six Previous Rituals Have One Purpose: To Make You Approach And Start Conversation With Women. This Is Where The Rubber Meets The Road. Without Approaching Your Dating Life Will Never Really Take Off.

Make it a ritual to start conversations with women that gave you conversation invitations.

You’ll get warm welcomes. That’s because they want you to approach them.

The problem is that you’ve probably never seen these signs, or didn’t realize what they really meant.

This last step is crucial.

So here’s your homework to turn your dating life around.

As of today, I’d like you to start a short three-minutes conversation with just three women per day. But only women that gave you a conversation invitation.

Now think about it: three women for three minutes. That’s just nine minutes a day.

I can virtually guarantee that if you do this for one week, you’ll have at least one date planned by the end of that week.

And if you make it a daily ritual, soon you’ll have dates in droves and find your dream woman in the process.

Can you handle that? Can you invest just nine minutes per day to get your love life handled?

Are you nodding your head yes?

Then the question remains: what do you talk about in those three minutes?

How do you go in confident and in control for three minutes, and get her number?

Luckily, Uncle Nick’s got you covered.

If you would like to learn my world-famous Three-Minute Rock Solid Number Close, then click here to access a FREE BONUS training.

In it, you’ll learn the Three-Minute Rock Solid Number Close, plus five more secrets about women and dating that most introverts will never know.



Most men don’t have the love life that they want because they have the wrong rituals in place.

The key is to replace your bad rituals with good rituals. Good rituals are aligned with your goal of improving your love life.

Use the seven rituals that you’ve learned in this post to do just that.

The first five rituals are designed to make you feel more confident and look more attractive so that you get more approach invitations from women.

The sixth ritual allows you to spot the approach invitations, so you only talk to women that are interested in you.

The seventh ritual is where the rubber meets the road. That’s where you actually approach women and have a short conversation with them.

Use these seven daily rituals, and it will blow your mind how much success you suddenly have meeting women and getting dates!

But of course…

Once you approach women, you need to know how to have a conversation, spark attraction, get her number… and take things to the next level to get a date.

If you’d like the quickest, simplest A-to-Z education on how to do it all, my world-famous training “The 5 REAL Secrets To Becoming A Badass With Women” is the SUCCESS-GUARANTEED place to get it.

You can check out the program here and start watching it ABSOLUTELY FREE right now.

Here’s what you’ll get inside this revolutionary FREE training:

• The 3 Minute Rock Solid Number Close: How to get the most solid phone number in just three minutes of conversation.

• The 5 Texts To First Date cheat sheet: get my exact five texts that convert 70% to 90% of phone numbers into dates.

• How to minimize flakes to the maximum (close to zero).

• How to make her almost obsessed with you (in a good way) before you even show up on the first date, so that she’ll make everything easy for you during the date.

• How to build true CORE CONFIDENCE in just 10 minutes a day.

• How to make her long for the second date.

• And much, much more!

This JAM-PACKED training is exclusively focused on smart, introverted men. It’s valued at $297, but you can access it here ABSOLUTELY FREE.

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