How To Get A Hot Girl: The 6 Biggest Levers To Pull
How To Get Girls On Tinder: The 7 Biggest Levers
By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.
If you want to discover how to make girls laugh and giggle, read this article carefully.
Cause in it…
I’m going to share scientifically proven ways to make women laugh.
Oh btw…
If you’re more on the introverted side of the spectrum…
And you’re serious about becoming the kind of guy that naturally makes girls laugh…
I'm going to work with a handful of introverts over the following months.
We’ll dive deep into exactly how to make a woman laugh.
As well as many other dating tactics, especially for introverted men.
If that tickles your fancy…
Shoot me a message at
Put “How To Make Women Laugh” in the subject line…
And I’ll get you all the details.
Let’s get rollin’…
Why Is It Essential To Make Women Laugh, According To Science?

Why Is It Essential To Make Women Laugh, According To Science?
I always knew it was necessary to make girls laugh.
Cause I heard women say it over that over and over again!
I never knew the reasons behind it.
You know…
WHY is it so damn important to know how to make women laugh?
I stumbled on a scientific study that made everything clear for me.
It was about the love chemical called Oxytocin.
And it explained…
Oxytocin is a chemical our brain releases, which makes us feel love.
And love is a very nice sentiment.
Therefore, we want to feel it as much as possible.
Turns out laughter triggers Oxytocin!
No wonder women want men that can make ‘em laugh.
Cause each time they laugh…
They get a hit of the love chemical.
And it’s literally as addictive as a drug.
Oxytocin is a “chemical.”
And chemicals are addictive!
Now that you understand WHY it’s crucial to make a girl laugh…
Let’s look at the different ways you can do it…
Secret 1 – How To Make Girls Laugh Using The Secret Laughter Trigger You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

How To Make Girls Laugh Using The Secret Laughter Trigger You Won’t Find Anywhere Else
Have you noticed that employees laugh when their boss says something that isn’t even funny?
Me too!
And I never understood why that was.
Until I studied the science of laughter.
Cause apparently…
We don’t laugh because things are funny.
We laugh because we want to release tension.
Laughing is a tension-releasing mechanism.
When do we feel tension?
One of the factors that make us feel tension…
Is when we are in the presence of a higher status person.
There’s a lot of evolutionary reasons for that…
Which I’m not going to go into…
Cause that would be outside the scope of this article.
Being in the presence of someone that is of higher status than us…
Creates tension.
And that's precisely why people laugh when their boss says something, even when it’s not funny.
What does that mean to you?
If you want to make a girl laugh…
Instead of buying a standup comedy book…
Work on your status first.
Cause the moment women see you as higher status…
They’ll laugh at practically everything you do or say.
Well, not everything, of course…
But they’ll laugh a lot more.
I think you get the point.
The higher your perceived status…
The less funny you need to be to make women laugh!
Which makes things a lot easier.
If you want to know more about how to become a high-status badass…
We have a complete course on this, called Status Secrets™.
Simply shoot me a message at
Put “Status Secrets” in the subject line…
And I’ll get you all the details.
Next up…Secret 2 – How To Make Girls Laugh By Not Laughing Yourself

How To Make Girls Laugh By Not Laughing Yourself
Ever noticed…
People who laugh at their own jokes ain't funny?
When I was younger…
I knew a person that laughed at his own jokes A LOT.
And nobody thought he was funny.
He was a good guy, though.
Just not a funny one.
But these days….
This same dude is funny as hell!
And guess what?
Yep, he doesn’t laugh at his own jokes anymore.
What’s the mechanism behind this?
It’s simple.
Remember when I told you laughter is a way to release tension?
When you tell a joke, and you laugh yourself…
You are releasing the tension for others.
Which means…
They won’t feel the tension anymore.
But when you don’t laugh…
And you keep the tension.
The other person will feel that tension.
And will laugh to release it.
Pretty amazing, isn’t it?
I mean.
If I didn’t study the science of laugher…
I would have never figured that one out.
The golden tip is…
If you want to make women laugh…
Don't laugh at your own jokes.
Keep the tension.
Let them feel it.
Up to the next one…
Secret 3 – How To Make Girls Laugh When You’re Not Funny

How To Make Girls Laugh When You’re Not Funny
How to be funny when you’re not funny?
It’s a question I get all the time.
And I’ll tell you a quick story about this.
Once upon a time…
On a sunny afternoon…
I had a drink with two smoking hot chicks.
And I was teasing one of them pretty hard.
She was giggling, laughing, and hitting me on the arm.
And she said to the other girl…
“You see! I told you he’s funny!”
That was one of the moments that helped me realize you don’t need to be funny to make women laugh.
You merely need to tease them.
Women love to be teased.
They think it’s fun.
And fun makes ‘em laugh.
Teasing creates tension.
Which they then want to release by laughing.
How do you tease girls?
Let’s take look…Secret 4 – How To Make Girls Laugh By Teasing Them

How To Make Girls Laugh By Teasing Them
As I just said…
Teasing makes women laugh…
Probably more than anything else.
Cause teasing creates a lot of tension…
Which triggers laughter.
What is teasing?
Teasing is done by “implying” women are the opposite of how they view themselves.
For example.
Women like to think of themselves as caring, kind, and well-mannered.
If you “imply”….
They're aggressive bullies that have no regard for other people's feelings…
That would be considered a tease.
Notice I said, "imply."
You can’t just tell her…
“You have no mannerism, and you're a cold bitch!”.
That’s not a tease.
That’s an insult.
A tease would be something like this.
Let’s say you’re out having dinner with her.
Without her noticing it…
You could put some breadcrumbs next to her plate.
And when the waiter comes to take away the empty dishes…
You can point out the breadcrumbs…
And say (with a cheeky smile) …
"Omg, I'm so sorry, sir!"
That would “imply” she has no mannerisms!
See what I mean?
Next up…
Secret 5 – How To Make Girls Laugh By Using Funny Guesses

How To Make Girls Laugh By Using Funny Guesses
Instead of asking her the same boring, mundane questions most guys ask her…
Try guessing stuff about her in a funny way.
For example.
You could guess her job by saying…
“You look like you’re a lawyer… you have that legally blonde vibe about you!”
That's much more interesting than asking her what she does for a living.
And it’s funny.
Secret 6 – How To Make Girls Laugh By Using Push-Pull

How To Make Girls Laugh By Using Push-Pull
Push-pull is another excellent way to make women laugh.
Push-pull is when you do something that makes her think you're into her…
But then…
Just as she starts to think that…
You turn it around!
For example.
Let’s say she says she’s a good cook.
You could say…
“Nice. I really like that about you… too bad you're only 5'3’!”
The “Nice. I really like that about you” pulls her in.
And make her think you’re into her.
But the “too bad you’re only 5’3’” pushes her away again.
Which creates tension in her…
And makes her laugh!
Of course…
You need to do it with a cheeky smile!
The purpose is not to upset her.
Let’s hop on to the next one…
Secret 7 – How To Make Girls Laugh Without Making Them Laugh

How To Make Girls Laugh Without Making Them Laugh
Did you know it's possible to make women laugh without making them laugh?
Yep, it is.
Let me tell you a quick story that illustrates how this works.
A long time ago…
I went to a business seminar.
And a costly one.
The only question the facilitator asked us was…
“What business are you in?”
That was it!
And I remember thinking to myself…
Did I REALLY pay so much moolah to spend a day answering this dumb question?”
Turns out it wasn’t dumb at all.
You see…
The instructor explained that…
The railroad industry….
Which was HUGE…
Lost their dominant position in the market…
Because they didn’t ask themselves that simple question.
Or at least…
They answered it wrong!
You see…
They thought they were in the railroad business.
They were all about expanding and improving rail lines…
Making better, faster, and more efficient locomotives…
And competing with other railroad companies to capture market share.
Turns out they were NOT in the railroad business.
They were in the “transporting people from a to b business.”
And because they failed to see their business that way…
They were outcompeted when new transportation technologies emerged!
Why am I telling you this?
The average dating coach out there is making the same mistake.
They’ll teach you how to make a girl laugh…
Cause they think it’s the laughter that gets the girl.
But what they don’t understand…
Is that laughter is like railroads.
And railroads are never the goal in and of themselves.
They are a means to an end: getting people from a to b.
In the same way, laughter is also not the goal.
Laughter is just a way to trigger Oxytocin.
And Oxytocin is what you are after.
Cause when you can trigger Oxytocin in women…
They’ll fall in love with you!
The real question is NOT…
How do we get better at making women laugh?
Like the real question in the railroad industry was not…
How can we make better railways?
The real question is…
How do we get better at triggering Oxytocin?
Just like the real question in the railroad industry was…
“How do we get better at getting people to go from a to b?”
Are you getting this?
Cause if you don’t…
You’ll be outcompeted by guys who do get it.
Just like the railroad industry was outcompeted by alternative transportation technologies.
Cause that’s the real deal.
What are the different ways to trigger Oxytocin?
Science has shown that Oxytocin gets triggered by 4 things.
And sex.
Which means…
If you want to make women feel the same feeling as when they laugh…
Without making them laugh…
All you need to do…
Is be a good conversationalist…
Or touch them…
Or have sex with them.
Of course…
The sex part comes last.
The conversation part…
And the touching part…
You can do right off the bat when you meet a woman.
Do that, and you won't even need to make her laugh.
Now, of course…
If you can make her laugh as well…
That’s even better.
Next up…
Secret 8 – How To Make Girls Laugh Through Laughter Formulas

How To Make Girls Laugh Through Laughter Formulas
I just found this joke on Toastmasters…
It’s pretty short…
But funny.
Here it is.
I’ve been getting into astronomy, so I installed a skylight.
The people who live above me are furious.
Can you see how this is funny?
It’s called misdirection.
What that means is…
You set people up to think in one direction…
But then there's a twist that gives it a whole new meaning.
The “I’ve been getting into astronomy, so I installed a skylight” part…
Makes you think the person is going to watch the stars from his roof….
It misdirects you.
And then by adding “The people who live above me are furious” …
It makes it funny.
I’m sharing this with ya…
Cause for a long time, I thought of humor…
As something magical!
Something that couldn’t be learned.
I thought you had to be born with the humor gene.
When I discovered there are actual “formulas” for humor…
I was amazed.
And very excited.
Cause it means humor is something you can learn.
Here are two other formulas for humor.
Exaggeration and sarcasm.
This exactly what it says.
You exaggerate.
And I mean…
You REALLY exaggerate.
Blow it out of proportion.
For example.
“She’s a nice woman though, nicest three acres of flesh I’ve ever met.”
This is exaggerated.
There is no such thing as a woman with three acres of flesh.
But it’s the exaggeration of how fat she is…
That makes it funny.
The next one is…
Sarcasm is a darker form of humor than teasing.
Be careful with it.
Because not all women can stand this type of teasing.
But when you use it on women who like it…
You’ll really make ‘em laugh.
Here’s an example of a great sarcastic joke I found online.
A woman said to a guy...
“You’re a slow drinker. My drink is already finished!”
To which he replied with a totally straight face, "Not all of us hate ourselves as you do."
As you can see…
That’s not going to go well with all women.
But some women love it.
And it’s perfectly appropriate in this context.
Cause she was putting him down with her joke…
So the sarcasm was appropriate.
There are more formulas for laughter…
But that would make this article WAY too long.
I might write a blog post on this in the future, though.
That said…
There’s one more formula for laugher I want to share with ya…
Secret 9 – How To Make Girls Laugh Through Male Pain

How To Make Girls Laugh Through Male Pain
Ever noticed women are almost compelled to laugh when a guy gets hurt?
Each time, Lucy and I watch a movie…
And a guy gets a kick in the balls or something like that…
She always has to laugh.
I don’t know “why” that is…
But apparently…
It’s not only women who laugh with the pain of others.
We all do.
But it’s just something that I see a lot more with women.
My mother is the same, btw.
If there’s a scene in a movie where a woman cuts a guy’s clothes in a thousand pieces…
It makes her laugh!
How do you use this to your advantage?
Pretty simple.
By telling stories about some of the most embarrassing and/or most painful moments in your life.
For example…
If you tell a story of how you once were on a plain…
And you had so much pain in your stomach…
That you couldn’t keep yourself anymore and ran to the toilets…
Where you released the gods of thunder…
And everybody on the plain heard it!
That type of story is going to make her laugh.
And if you add one of the humor formulas to your story…
She’ll laugh so hard her belly will hurt.
Conclusion On How To Make A Girl Laugh

Conclusion On How To Make A Girl Laugh
Knowing how to make a woman laugh is crucial because laughter releases Oxytocin.
Aka, the love chemical.
And the great news is…
You don’t need to go all Chris Rock on women to make ‘em laugh.
In fact…
You can make women laugh without being funny at all.
Just follow the 9 secrets outlined in this article…
And women will laugh till their stomach hurts.
If you’re more on the introverted side of the spectrum…
And you’re serious about becoming the kind of guy that naturally makes girls laugh…
I'm going to work with a handful of introverts over the following months.
We'll dive deep into exactly how to make a woman laugh.
As well as many other dating tactics, especially for introverted men.
Shoot me a message at
Put “How To Make Women Laugh” in the subject line…
And I’ll get you all the details.
I got to go back to work.
Have a great day!
Got questions on how to make girls laugh? Ask them in the comments section below! I'll answer them.