3 Proven Compliments That Will Make You Stand Out
How To Never Get Dumped Again
By Texting & French Seduction Expert - Claudia Cox.
This is a guest post by Claudia Cox.
If your texting game is weak, it could be ruining your chances of finding love.
Scratch that - it IS ruining your chances of finding love.
And if you’re saying, “But I’m not interested in love, geez. I just wanna have some fun and get laid,” well, we’ve got news for you: A weak texting game is ruining that too.
Girls don’t want needy men. They want cool, confident cats who are assertive and in control. If she doesn’t text back for a while? No big deal. You’ve got other girls to text.
Today, you’ve got it much easier than guys had it in every decade before the new millennium. Back then, they didn’t have a smartphone.
If they wanted to get to know a girl, they had to cross no-man’s land and actually talk to her in person.
They couldn’t hide behind a text and edit their messages before pressing send. They had to cough and splutter and sweat their way to sealing the deal.
You’ve got your phone. You’ve got it easy. You just need some superior texting skills so that you finesse the opposite text so much that she stops texting other guys and focuses on you and you only.
So we’re going to take a look at the sloppy texting mistakes you need to cut out of your game. These mistakes are what make you look needy, and stop you from getting what you want.
Once you clean up your act, your texting game will look a LOT better.
Because - and this is the truth - women HATE needy guys. They don’t just dislike them - they hate them. For real.
Here are a few needy texting mistakes guys make:
Asking If Things Are Okay
Okay, so she hasn’t replied to your text for a few hours. You say to yourself that she’s probably busy. But then you remind yourself that she was replying to all your previous texts instantly before vanishing. She literally just puffed into thin air. In such situations, it’s okay to give her a nudge and ask if things are okay, right? Sure it is. If this is the first time. If, however, you’ve already trotted out the “Are you still there? Are you okay?” line once or twice before, it’s time to lock that one up forever. She’s okay. She’s fine. She’s still there. She just isn’t texting you. No one can say why. Maybe she’s busy. Maybe a friend popped by and distracted her. And hey, maybe she is texting another guy. It doesn’t mean anything. She’ll get back to you when she remembers. In the meantime, you just need to play it cool and keep on with whatever else you’ve got going on in your life. Go out. Pop a video game on. Text someone else. Just don’t ask if she’s still there. Teasing Her About Her Vanishing Acts
Let’s imagine that she performed her vanishing act once more mid-conversation. It was annoying because you were having a laugh before she absconded without warning. But you did good by not asking if she was still there and if she was okay. In fact, you did really good. It makes you look cool. And hey, look - she’s come back! “How are you?” she asks. There is still an easy needy texting mistake guys make at this point, and it’s one you need to be very wary of. It’s the “Oh look who’s back!” text. Maybe you play it cool and wait until you need to end the conversation for some reason or other.
So you ask a question and passive-aggressively say something along the lines of “Please answer this quickly now because I know what you’re like for just disappearing!” Maybe you put a tongue emoji in the text message to ease the tension, soften the blow and show that you’re just joking. It won’t work, though. She’s got the picture - you’re needy. If her random vanishing acts are upsetting you, play it cool. Don’t let it get to you. It’s just the way she is. Being Too Abrupt and Adopting a “This Is My Only Chance” Mentality
Seducing a girl via text is all about staying cool and being flirty funny. It’s not about being abrupt and dramatic. If you’re the kind of guy who asks a girl out in your first text message, you’re going to look super needy.
You might reason that this is the only chance you’ll get to ask her out while you’ve got her attention, but if this is your reasoning then you seriously have a lot to improve on. Look at this: “Wanna go on a date?” That’s abrupt. Instead, make her laugh. “Ready to meet, or are you still Googling me
?” Remember: lose the “this is my only chance to ask her out” mentality. Once you lose that, you begin to grow in confidence. You get her to dance to YOUR tune. You’ll lead and she’ll follow. Because guys, we really do like to follow you…