Approaching Girls: 8 Little-Known Tips For Introverts
Eye Contact With A Girl: Levels, Tricks, Hacks – New Discoveries
By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.
In this article... I'm going to show you how to approach a girl at the gym. And if you’re more of an introvert… you’ll really love what I’m about to share with you. Cause… I’m NOT going to ask you to become a gregarious extrovert that runs around the gym… High fiving everyone… Just so he can get some attention from the galls. Instead… You’ll discover… a low-key… under radar… way to approach women. The tactics you’ll discover have been used by the world’s best ladies’ men. These are some of the personal go-to strategies that I used in my own dating life... And… They are the exact tactics we teach to our private coaching members. Let’s get started. (Related: I'm going to work with a handful of private clients one on one over the following months. We'll dive deep into next-level ways to approach girls (and many other advanced dating tactics for introverted men). If you want to join us, send me an email at put "One-on-One" in the subject line… tell me a bit about yourself... and I'll get you all the details.) Secret 1 – How To Approach A Girl At The Gym Using “The Splinter Opener”

How To Approach A Girl At The Gym Using “The Splinter Opener”
Last winter... I started to go for a daily walk in the woods. It’s a small forest. I walk four times around it in one hour. So… On my walks... I cross paths with people – a lot! Some of them nod when I pass them. Others don’t. One day… There was a guy with a small dog. The first time we crossed paths… he looked at his dog… and didn’t greet me. The next day I see the guy again... and he nods. A couple of days later... I see him again… and this time he says... "Hi." Couple of days after that our paths cross again… and he said... "Hi, how are you doing?" This is a natural pattern that people have. I do it myself. Other people do to me. It happens all the time. Is there a point to what I’m saying? Well… how about these mangoes: Hell yeah… there’s a point! It’s one of the most natural ways for people to get to know each other… over time. And it’s the best way you can start a conversation with a woman at the gym. Forget helping her out. Forget working the room. Here’s why. First… People go to the gym to work out. Nobody likes the guy that’s going around talking to everybody. Second… When you help a woman at the gym... it's obvious what you're doing. And every other guy is doing that too. What do these tactics have in common? They are obviously visible. If you do that a couple of times... you'll be labeled "that guy." Instead… Use the Splinter Opener. Which is the most natural… and under the radar way… you can start a conversation with someone. Here’s how you do it. First time you see her at the gym... just nod at her. Next time… say “Hi." The time after that… “Hey, how you doin'?". Next time… “Hey, how you doin'? My name is Nick, btw”. Boom! See how you just gradually introduced yourself. That’s what I call the Splinter Opener. Cause… Instead of using a full-blown conversation starter right off the bat… You splintered the opener… Meaning… You "gradually" approach… one day at a time. This is hands down the best way to approach a girl at the gym. Cause it’s so under the radar. And so natural. Which means you'll never be labeled as "that guy." And you can use it on every single person in the gym. Men or women. Imagine… Someone wakes you up in the middle of the night by turning on the lights in your room. It will hurt your eyes. And you’ll squint. Cause the lights are too bright. Now imagine you wake up with dimmed lights… and gently… minute after minute… they get a bit brighter… Well… The light won’t hurt your eyes. You won’t have to squint. Cause your eyes will adapt naturally. It’s the same when you use the Splinter Opener. Alright. So now that you approached that hottie at the gym… Here’s what to do next… Secret 2 – How To Approach A Girl At The Gym By Becoming The Wolf Of Social Street

How To Approach A Girl At The Gym By Becoming The Wolf Of Social Street
On Fridays… And I don’t know why it’s always Fridays… I often get calls from what I call…. The Wolf of Walls Street guys. Now… Bear in mind… I don't know them. I don’t have a relationship with them. It’s pure cold calling. And it’s always the same song… “Hey Nick… how are you doing?” My response? I just hang up on them. I don’t’ even say ONE word. Just… “click”… bye… Ugh… can’t stand them! Why? Not cause they are cold calling on me. I understand it’s their job. The reason I can't stand them is that… They’re too familiar… too soon. They try to “force” the relationship. So… Why does that matter to you? How does it help you when approaching chicks at the gym? Well… After you approached a woman by using The Splinter Opener… You need to have a conversation with her. And the biggest mistake that guys make is to “force” things during that conversation. And they do it in one of two ways. First… Most introverts will try to “force rapport” by desperately looking for commonalities. But that doesn’t work… cause… she knows why you’re doing it. She knows you’re trying to get into her pants! And it looks fake. Second… Once guys learn this approach doesn’t work... they turn to a dating coach for men. And usually, … They’ll find some PUA guru that tells them to focus on creating attraction. So now… They try to create attraction as fast as possible during the conversation. They’ll look for ways to tease her… break rapport… use seductive eye contact… etc. Now… I know… I teach that too. And… yes… teasing… breaking rapport… sexy eye-contact… all that jazz… IS POWERFUL! And you “should” use it. BUT… There’s a time and place for it. And when you first talk to a woman at the gym… that’s not the time and place for it. Have you ever tried forcing attraction before? Ever desperately tried to tease a girl in the early stages of a conversation… and it backfired? And she looked at you like you had two heads? And you could see she didn’t like it? That’s what happens when you force attraction. And when you do that in venues that you frequent a lot… You’ll quickly get a bad reputation. And it will ruin your chances with ALL the women in that venue. So… Instead of being the Wolf of Wallstreet Guy… That forces rapport and/or attraction… Try being the Wolf of Social Street guy. Here’s what I mean… The gym is a social venue. One… where it’s not expected to hit on women. And women usually won’t play along… Cause they know their reputation is at stake. They know that everyone is looking. So… once we understand this is a social venue where hitting on girls is not appreciated… (There are social venues where it's okay… just not the gym.) Logic dictates… The best thing to do after you approach her… Is to have a “social conversation." Don’t focus on building rapport. Don’t focus on building attraction. Don’t focus on teasing. Instead... focus on having a social conversation. Just talk about social, fun things… Like travel and locations. Hobbies. What she's doing on the weekend. That kind of stuff… Your objective is just to get her comfortable talking to you. Nothing more. That other stuff will come later. Okay… Now that you’re having a normal… social conversation with her… Let’s look at the next step… Secret 3 – How To Approach A Girl At The Gym Using The Inception Method

How To Approach A Girl At The Gym Using The Inception Method
Couple days ago… I was scrolling Netflix… And I come across “Inception”. Great movie, btw! Now… I already saw it years ago. But… Seeing it again… triggered me to talk about it in this article. Why? Cause in the movie... Leo has this unique ability to enter people's dreams and plant ideas in them. Then… when they wake up. They go about their day. And suddenly... they get an idea. But it wasn’t their idea. It was planted there! Why am I bringing this up? Well… What if there was a way to use Inception during your conversations with women? Turns out… there is! In fact… there are over 20 different ways of doing this. And one of those ways is using something we call… Date Seeding. And it’s all about seeding date ideas in her mind. So that SHE comes up with the idea of going out with you. Now… Remember… At this point in the conversation… you’re just being social. So… you’re talking about fun social stuff. You know… About what she likes doing in her spare time and the things you like doing. And that gives you a perfect opportunity to use date seeding. Here’s how it works. The only thing you need to do is talk about the cool stuff you’re doing in your life. And when she reacts positively to it… You can invite her to join you doing one of those activities. For example… You might be talking about the fact that you’re taking a class on how to make pralines. If she reacts positively on that… You can invite her to join you (more on doing that in the next point). That way... you're not selling her a date. You’re inviting her to a fun activity… that she indicated herself… she’s interested in. Therefore… it doesn’t look like a date request. Merely a social invite. It’s almost like subliminal advertising. You know… You're watching a movie... and they show a tiny image of a Mars or a Snickers during the movie. Then… at the end of the movie… you want to eat a Snickers… and you don’t even know why! And if someone then says to you… "Hey, I'm grabbing myself a Snickers. You want one too?”… You’ll most likely say yes! Okay! So… You’re having a normal social conversation. You use seeding. She bites. What’s the best way to invite her out? That’s what we’ll cover next… Secret 4 – How To Approach A Girl At The Gym And Ask Her Out Using A Transition Date

How To Approach A Girl At The Gym And Ask Her Out Using A Transition Date
When I was sixteen… my older cousin-in-law… took me under his wing. Now… this dude was a natural ladies’ man. He was dating one hottie after another… non-stop. And the crazy thing is… I never heard him ask a girl out on a date… ever. Instead… When he talked to people… men or women… he would invite them to a social activity he was already doing with some friends. And when he was interested in a girl… He invited her and told her she could bring a friend too. And I have never seen a girl refuse. Cause it was a social invite and they could bring their friends. So… it didn’t look like a date… and they felt safe. But… Then… once they showed up for that social activity… They entered my cousin’s world. And he would work his magic there. I call this technique… The Transition Date. Sometimes I call it The Stealth Date. Cause it’s so under the radar. It doesn’t feel like a date. And that makes it a perfect way to ask a woman out that you approached at the gym. Cause whether she agrees or not… You’ll never get rejected. Cause if she says no…she rejected the event… not you. Plus… Since it was a social invite with other people present… it’s not a date. And they'll never label you as "that guy." Instead… You’re the cool guy that invites people to do cool stuff with other people. Then… once they are on that transition date with you… You use Date Seeding again. But this time… when she bites… you invite her on a one-on-one date. So… Basically… The social date… was just a transition date… which you used to get her on an actual date… later! The success rate on this… is THROUGH THE ROOF! Why? Cause she already agreed on the transition date. Now you’re not a stranger anymore. So… the step to a one-on-one date is much easier and safer for her! Are you getting this? Cool. Now… What if you don’t have these social activities going on in your life? Two things. One… You can invite a woman out for a one on-one-date… directly. And it will work... too… providing you use the Date Inception method. Two… You can… in the meantime… start building these types of activities. So that… later… you can use them too. Anyways… That’s how you approach a girl at the gym… And… Get her out on a date! Without being labeled "that guy." Conclusion On How To Approach A Girl At The Gym

Conclusion On How To Approach A Girl At The Gym
Approaching a girl at the gym is different than in a grocery store or the park. Mainly… because the gym is a part of your social circle. Meaning you’ll see her repeatedly. So… You don’t want to come across like you hit on her. And you don’t want to force anything. And as an introvert… you certainly don’t want to be the guy that works the room! Cause it doesn’t suit your style. Plus… even if you’re not an introvert… people are there to work out! Which means… Mr. Social Showboat… that talks to everyone all the time… is not really welcome in the gym. Instead… You want to follow the 4 steps I outlined in this article. They work for every type of guy… but they work exceptionally well for introverts… cause introverts prefer a more lowkey approach. Btw… I'm going to work with a handful of private clients one on one over the following months. We’ll dive deep into the topics discussed in this article (and many other, advanced dating tactics for introverted men). If you want to join us, send me an email at put "One-on-One" in the subject line… tell me a bit about yourself... and I'll get you all the details. Okay. I’ve got to go back to work! Take it easy. Nick How do you approach women at the gym? Share your opinion in the comments section below!