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How To Ask A Woman Out

How To Impress A Woman
How To Impress A Woman
How The Introverted Guy Can Get The Girl
How The Introverted Guy Can Get The Girl

By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.

In today’s article, I’d like to ask you a question.

Is there a woman in your life that you would like to ask out on a date? Maybe a girl from work… your hobby club…or that cute chick at the grocery store?

I remember a conversation with one of my clients, John.

John met this amazing woman at work. She was really beautiful and exactly his type.

They talked all the time, and they actually got a long quite well. Still, John was petrified to ask her out.

“What if she says no? I’ll have to see her every day and feel embarrassed. What if other people find out about it? My reputation at work would be damaged.”

I could feel his stress and anxiety. And John is not the only one in this situation. In fact, most of my clients face this problem initially.

So, if you don’t know how to ask a woman out and you’re feeling nervous about it, that’s absolutely fine. You’re not alone.

And it’s not your fault.

You just need to understand the mechanics of how to do it with ZERO chance of rejection.

And in this article that’s exactly what you are going to discover. I’ll share with you exactly how to ask a woman out and get a yes (almost) every time.

And in the unlikely event that she says no, you will NOT feel rejected and your reputation will NOT be damaged.

When you apply what I’m going to teach you, even if she says no, you can still see her every day and NOT feel embarrassed. That’s because I’m going to show you how to ask a girl out in a stealthy way.

In fact, I’m going to show you DIFFERENT WAYS to ask women out, and ONE of them is a 100% stealth, fly-under-the-radar way. You will literally have ZERO chance of rejection.

Sound like a stretch?

I “really” understand how you feel, because at first I felt the same way too. But then I discovered that the way you ask a woman out depends on the circumstances.

And when you know how to adapt the way you ask her out to those circumstances, you are “virtually” guaranteed to get a date. And if you don’t get the date, there was “no” rejection involved.

But before I share this method with you, let’s look at why it’s important that you learn how to ask a woman out.

The “why” of how to ask a woman out.

Mastering this skill is very important. In fact, it’s crucial.

If you know how to ask women out the right way:

• You’ll be more attractive. Yep, the fact that you do this correctly will make you more attractive in and of itself.
• You’ll get more dates.
• You will have the opportunity to get into relationships with beautiful and amazing women.
• It increases your reach. When you know how to ask women out in different circumstances, you’ll have a bigger pool of opportunities to tap into.
• You’ll NEVER have to go to loud nightclubs anymore.
• You’ll enjoy many MIND-BLOWING experiences.
• You’ll have more control.
• You’ll have more influence over women.
• You’ll be more successful.
• You’ll never have to settle for a woman you’re not that attracted to.

If you don’t know how to ask women out the right way:

• You’ll get rejected many times.
• You’ll feel lonely.
• You’ll have a smaller pool of women to choose from.
• You’ll be seen as less attractive, probably even as weird.
• You’ll have no control over your dating life.
• You’ll have no influence over women.
• You’ll have a very difficult time starting relationships with beautiful women.
• You’ll miss out on many mind-blowing experiences that other men have.
• You won’t feel successful.
• Instead, you’ll probably feel frustrated.
• You’ll have to settle for less than you want and deserve, or be alone for the rest of your life.

Luckily, there is a simple method you can learn in minutes that almost always gets you a yes. And in the very unlikely event that you don’t get the date, it will be so under the radar that she won’t even notice it.

And to make sure you use this method to successfully get her out on a date… and turn that date into more… I have something very interesting for you…

I can build you a CUSTOMIZED, step-by-step, totally “can’t fail” plan to get the woman of your dreams out on a date and turn her into your girlfriend.


The “what” of how to ask a woman out.

Let me first start by telling you some things you should not do when asking her out.


The three biggest mistakes men make when asking women out.


1. “Asking” her out.

Example: “Would you like to go to the movies / have a drink / go on a date with me?”

Never ask for it. Asking comes across as weak. I’m not saying it is weak, I’m saying it comes across as weak (unless you have your body language figured out).

So, if you do it in a VERY confident way, then you can ask. But since I’ve never met you in person, I’d rather play it safe and advise you not to ask her out.

Instead, suggest going out. This comes across as less needy, and more dominant and confident. Women love confident, dominant men. Example: “We should go out sometime / have a drink / et cetera.”

2. Confessing your feelings.

The worst way to ask a woman out is to use the confession approach. Some men even write women long love letters or emails. This is a big no-no.

The reason it repulses women so much is because it is a very needy thing to do, and neediness is the number-one attraction killer.

So, as much as you want to confess your feelings, “don’t”.


3. Thanking her and/or becoming excited.

When she agrees to go on a date with you, don’t thank her for it. And don’t get excited. Thanking a woman because she agrees to go on a date with you shows her that you think she’s out of your league.

It tells her you don’t have much success with women. And if you don’t have many options, you probably are not a good catch.

Think like this: would Brad Pitt thank a woman if she agreed to go on a date with him? Of course not. Would he act all excited, like a puppy? Of course not. I suggest you do the same.

Just stay cool and say, “Alright, see you then”. And leave.

Besides asking a woman out the wrong way, there are also places you want to avoid on the first date.


The Three Worst First Date Ideas.

Getting her to agree to go on a date means nothing if that date goes nowhere.

Here’s where not to go:


1. Restaurants.

Don’t take her to dinner on a first date.

Inviting her to a restaurant will decrease the chances of her accepting. That’s because it’s a big commitment for a first date. Think about it. If you don’t get along, then you’re stuck there together for two hours.

And even if she does agree, it’s still a bad choice. It positions you as a provider instead of a lover. She might think you want to buy her affection. It’s just too much investment for a first date.


2. The movies.

This also is a bad idea.

How can you get to know her if all your time together is spent at the movie theater? Instead of talking, you’ll both be looking at the screen.


3. Places where she knows lots of people and you don’t.

Probably the worst first date of all is going to a place where she knows many people and you don’t.

When you go to a bar or place where all her friends are, there are many things that can go wrong. First of all, as an introvert, socializing with big groups of people is probably not your favorite activity.

Secondly, she will be talking to her friends and you will feel like the fifth (or sixth, or seventh…) wheel. Every time she leaves you to go talk to a friend, you’ll stand there alone, looking like an idiot. You’ll feel insecure because you know nobody. Don’t do it. It’s social suicide.

Even if you have great social skills, it’s still a bad strategy. You risk that somebody won’t like you or will be jealous of you.

Next thing you know, that jealous person will tell her you are weird and it will screw up your chances of seeing her again.

If she really insists, there is a solution to this: bring your friends too. But again, as an introvert one of your biggest strengths lies in creating deep connections in one-on-one conversations. You’re much better off taking her to a quiet wine bar where it will be just the two of you.

However, SOMETIMES, even as an introvert you’re better off having her and her friends join you and your friends. Later in this article I’ll tell you exactly when to choose this option.

Alright, now that you know the DON’TS, let’s have a look at the DOs…

How to ask a woman out: The strategy.

The way you ask women out depends on two variables:

1. How attracted she is to you
2. How much a ‘no’ could negatively impact you  

When she’s very attracted to you, you don’t need a great date idea at all. Example: ‘We should go out sometime. What do you think?’ That’s all you need to do, and she will say yes.


That means that the date itself should be something that she values. For example, if she is into art, you could invite her to an art exposé.

You see the difference? In the first case, you invited her to go out with you without a specific event in mind. Meaning YOU were the event. In the second case, the art exposé was the event.

  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to assess how attracted a woman is to you, and if you want me to help you turn her into your girlfriend FOR FREE… Click here to find out the details.


If you don’t know her and she’s not part of your social circle, work, or hobby, then there is “no” negative impact if she says no. Therefore, you can ask her out “overtly”.

Overtly means it’s clear that it is a date.

The definition of a date is “two people pairing off for a limited amount of time for the purpose of getting to know each other.”

Examples: going for a drink, meeting up for a walk, having dinner, etc.  


If she works with you, is part of your social circle, or you go to the same gym three times a week, than it’s much safer to “covertly” ask her out.

Asking her out covertly means it does NOT look like a date.

This means that you ask her to join you in doing something with a purpose that is NOT centered on pairing off to get to know each other.

Examples: getting together to work on some project you need to finish for work, inviting her to join you in something that you and your friends are already doing, or inviting her AND her friends to join you AND your friends for something.

The three examples above are “stealthy, fly-under-the-radar” ways to invite a woman out.

Even if she says no, you won’t feel embarrassed because you didn’t ask her out overtly. It didn’t look like a date request.

That’s because there was an absence of the two elements that need to be present for it to be a “date”.

Remember, those elements are pairing off with the purpose to get to know each other.

Let’s look at some different examples to explain it further:


Working on a project together.

This has only one element: pairing off. But the purpose is not to get to know each other. The purpose is to work together.

The best “covert” strategy for introverts is to invite her to do something that is not focused on getting to know each other, but that involves just the two of you.


Inviting her to tag along with you and your friends.

This will allow you to get to know each other, but there are other people involved. Thus, you’re not pairing off. This is the second-best covert strategy for introverts.

Notice that it involves other people, but you invited her without her friends. She’ll come alone to join you and your friends. Therefore, she’ll be holding on to you because she doesn’t know your friends.

Every time you talk to a friend or go to the bathroom, she’ll hope you come back to her quickly, because you’re the only person she knows. In this scenario, it’s quite easy to get into a one-on-one conversation with her, even with your friends around.

Especially if you informed your friends that you want time to connect with her on a deeper level.

Inviting her and her friends to join you and your friends.

The same is true here. There is an element of getting to know each other, but no pairing off.

This is the least appealing option for introverts, but notice that your friends will be there too. Therefore, you should ask them to interact with the group so you can have some one-on-one time with her.

Of course, as I just mentioned, when you’re working together or when she joins you and your friends, you’ll use that time to build attraction with her and get to know her better.

In doing so, you can get her on a one-on-one date the next time. This way, there is a smoother transition with less risk.

Of course if she’s already attracted to you, then you can skip that step and go for a real date immediately.

Get The Date Strategy Matrix

High Attraction Low Attraction
High Impact “I’m going to do xyz Thursday, why don’t you tag along?” “You like sushi, right? My friends and I are going to this great sushi bar on Thursday. They serve the best sushi in the whole town. Why don’t you join us? (Alternatively Why don’t you and your friends join us there?”)
Low Impact “We should go out sometime.” “You like art, right? I know this great art gallery that just opened. We should go there sometime.”

Let’s examine each of the examples from the matrix.

The upper-left box.

Here she’s very attracted to you but there is also a high impact if she says no. Maybe this is a woman you know from work.

So your strategy here is to ask her covertly, but you don’t need to sell the date. “I’m going shopping next Thursday. Why don’t you tag along?”

She will probably agree because she is very attracted to you. And because you invited her to something mundane, it sets the frame that you are the value.

And in the unlikely event that she doesn’t say yes, you didn’t lose face, because you just invited her to something you were already doing. Plus, the purpose was not to get to know each other. The purpose was to help you choose some clothes.


The lower-left box.

She’s very attracted to you, and there is no impact if she says no. Maybe this is a woman you met at a bar or a coffee shop.

Since she’s attracted to you, you don’t need to sell her on the date. Since there is no negative impact if she says no, you can ask her “overtly”. “We should go out sometime.”


The upper-right box.

It’s not so obvious that she’s attracted to you, and there is the possibility for a high negative impact if she says no.

Because you’re not sure she’s attracted to you, you want to play it safe and “sell” her the date.

“You like sushi, right? My friends and I are going to this great sushi bar on Thursday. They serve the best sushi in the whole town.”

Because there is the possibility of a high negative impact if she says “no,” you want to ask covertly. “Why don’t you join us?” OR “Why don’t you and your friends join us there?”

You can’t be more covert than this.

First, you positioned the event as the value, not you.

Second, you were going there anyway. You’re not doing something special for her.

Plus, your friends will also be there. And on top of that, you invite her friends too. You really can’t get more safe and under-the-radar than this.


The lower-right box.

This is the same situation as the previous one, with the exception that there is “no” negative impact if she says no. So you sell her the venue, but you go more overt. It will be just you and her, without friends.

“You like art, right? I know this great art gallery that just opened. We should go there sometime.”

Now, you could argue and say, “Why don’t I just always go for the most covert way of asking her out? That way I’m always safe, and it’s easier to remember.”

You’re right in one way, but you need to know this: the more covert and indirect you go, the more difficult it will be for you to escalate the relationship.

When your friends and her friends are there, she probably won’t allow you to escalate “physically” in front of everybody.

You’ll have to use that date as a transition so you can get her out on a real date next time. So, using the covert method every time also takes more time.

Plus, some of her friends might not like you or even be jealous. So, there can be a chance that they will try to sabotage you.

Also, remember that as an introvert your biggest strength lies in one-on-one interactions.

Therefore, if you know for sure that she’s attracted to you, why risk blowing it up by bringing other people into the picture?

The same goes for when you invite her to work on a project with you.

The frame for the date is that you’re getting together to work. It’s less clear for her. Therefore, it could take more time to transition to a real date.

On the other hand, if it’s just the two of you and she knows it’s a date, you have already won.

That’s because she accepted even knowing that it’s a date. It’s very clear to both of you why you’re both there.

The vibe will be different from the beginning. This makes things much easier.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you’re looking for a simple way to deploy the power of the Get The Date Matrix correctly EVERY time, in ANY situation, I’ve developed a FREE coaching session that’s become EXTREMELY famous for its HUGE results.

In this FREE coaching session, not only will I give you tailored advice on how to ask women out, but I’ll also build you a customized dating plan to help you find, get, and keep your most amazing woman in the world.
Have a look at the details here.

Okay. So now that you know the ‘what’ of how to ask women out, let’s have a look at…

The “how” of how to ask a woman out.

Here are eight steps to follow:

1. Prepare in advance.

Use the strategy matrix I showed you earlier in this article to prepare the right approach to asking her out.

2. Have the right body language.

Only 7% of our communication comes from our words. The other 93% comes from our body language and intonation. Use confident body language. Stick your chest out, hold your shoulders back, and keep your chin high. This has as an added benefit that you will actually feel more confident.

3. Start a conversation with her.


4. Use “date seeding”.

Find commonalities, pay attention to things she likes, and seed some date ideas based on that. You should aim to seed two or three date ideas during your conversation.

You do this by talking about things you like to do and things she likes to do. Then, use this information to transition into seeding date ideas.

For example:

You: “Do you like cocktails?”

Her: “Yes, I really do!”

You: “Do you know that place called Cocktail Paradise?”

Her: “Yes, I know the place, but I’ve never been there.”

You: “It’s a great place and they make fantastic cocktails. We should go there sometime.”

Her: “Yes, sure, why not?”

Now change the subject to something else, talk a bit more, and seed another date idea.

After you’ve seeded between one and five date ideas, you can go for the close.

This gives her something to think about after you’re gone. She will imagine herself in multiple places with you. Her mind will take over and do all the hard work for you.

She will become more attracted to you because she is thinking about you and her in different situations. She’s mentally investing in you. And all of this is happening while you’re not even there.

Here are some things you can plant seeds around:

• Hobbies and things you like to do: bike riding, dance classes, yoga lessons, etc.
• Events: special parties, a fashion show, an art exposé, etc.
• Special places: a special bar, club, restaurant, etc.
• Normal stuff: going for a walk, jogging, cooking, shopping, etc.


5. Arrange the date right then and there.

So you seeded a few date ideas, and now it’s time to get the date right then and there.

You can do this by finding out her schedule, and then suggesting a day that works for both of you.

You: “By the way, what are your plans this week?

Her: “Well, I’m quite busy this week, but Thursday evening I’m free.”

You: “Actually, I’m quite busy this week too, but Thursday works. Let’s do something Thursday evening. Let’s exchange numbers and I’ll send you a text with the details on Thursday.”

Remember: depending on the strategy matrix, you could change the way you invite her out.

Instead of saying “We should definitely try that cocktail bar,” you could say, “Hey, my friends and I are going to go to that cocktail bar on Thursday evening. Why don’t you and your friends join us there?”


6. If she says “no” to your invitation, it’s no big deal.

If you used the strategy matrix correctly, there will be no negative impact on you, and you can still ask her again another time.


7. When she says “yes” (and she almost always will, when you do it right).

Don’t make the following mistakes: don’t thank her, and don’t get excited like a puppy dog. We talked about this earlier.


8. Wait to text her until the day of the date.

It’s important that you don’t call or text her before the day of the date itself.

Doing this will make her think about you even more. The mix of seeding multiple date ideas, plus having the date (day, time, and location) already confirmed, combined with you not calling or texting, has an atomic effect on women.

You see, most guys will immediately start texting and calling women to OVER-confirm the details of their date. If you do the opposite, you will stand out.

She’ll start to wonder if you’re going to flake on her. Then her desire to see you will just keep growing.

She’ll imagine herself with you in all those dating situations that you seeded so well. That’s because there is an element of insecurity in place.

Text her the morning of the date day. Don’t wait for the evening, or she might think you really gave up on her and plan something else.

A simple text like: “I’ll see you this evening at Cocktail Paradise at 7. Don’t be late Nick”

You need to be prepared for a few things that can happen when you use this strategy.

First, she might reply to confirm: “OK Nick, I’ll do my best to be on time, but can’t promise… I’m a woman :-)”

If that happens, great—it’s STILL confirmed.

Or, she might not reply at all. This is a test. She might be thinking, “That guy didn’t text me the whole week, so let’s see if he’s the real deal”. She’s testing your confidence.

Whatever you do, don’t send a second text. Just go to the cocktail bar at 7:00. She will come.

Really, if she doesn’t want to come, she’ll send a text to cancel. The fact that she doesn’t send a text to cancel means she WILL come.

I don’t know of any woman that would be so rude as to let you prepare yourself, get yourself all the way over there for a date she agreed to, and then not show up without canceling.

And if she cancels, remember that it’s not a problem. Because you used the strategy matrix, there will be no negative impact.

And if she is in your social circle or work circle, you’ll see her again soon and you’ll arrange a new date another time.

Also you didn’t position yourself as that needy guy that called and texted her several times to over confirm. That’s great for your reputation.

Instead you positioned yourself as that confident carefree men. Because of this, other women at work will probably start checking you out as well.

And just like that…

You just learned how to ask a woman out and get a yes.

Now it’s time to take action…

If you’d like a FREE customized plan on how to ask women out, including PROVEN ways to turbocharge your dating life to ultimately find, get, and keep your dream woman, then I suggest you take a look at this.

The “DOING” part of how to ask a woman out.

Here’s your implementation assignment.

1. Choose a woman that you want to ask out.

2. Use the strategy matrix to choose the right approach to asking her out.

3. Rehearse the eight steps of how to ask her out.

Mentally rehearse a few conversations. In those conversations, use the different topics from which you will do date seeding. Simulate different possible ways the conversation can go and how you will transition to different date seeds.

Also, be sure to simulate how you will find out her schedule and suggest a day and time to meet up.

4. Visualize for 20 minutes.

Visualize the woman you want to take out, and imagine that your conversation goes INCREDIBLY WELL. She’s smiling and she ENTHOUSIASTICALLY agrees to go on a date with you.

5. If you want, you can repeat this step multiple times.

You could do 20 minutes of visualization three days in a row. The more you visualize a situation, the more comfortable you will be in the situation when it happens. That’s because your brain will recognize the situation as something that already happened.

This will make you relaxed, which is a big key to making her say yes.


Next time you see her, do what you prepared for.

7. Have a great date!

There you have it, my friend. You’ve just learned how to ask a woman out.  

And as I end all my articles,TAKE ACTION.

Don’t be a spectator, be an ACTION TAKER.

It’s the action that will get you the results. So just DO IT.  

And if you liked this post, then you might also like what I have for you next.

Would you like me to help you get dates with the kind of women you really want, FOR FREE?

And would you like me to help you find, get, and keep your own Total Ten, absolutely FREE?

If that sounds as good to you as it sounds to me, then click here now.

What’s your best strategy to ask a woman out? Share your feedback in the comment section below.

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