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How To Impress A Woman

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By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.

Today I’d like to talk about a question most of my students ask me:

“How can I impress women?"

Knowing how to impress girls is a top concern for most men.

Why is that?

Well, our most basic primitive need as a species is to survive and reproduce.

We unconsciously know that if we want to succeed in reproducing, we need to be able to attract women.

So, the desire to impress women is driven by our instinct of wanting to attract them.

In fact, when a woman says she is impressed by a man, she’s actually saying that she feels some kind of attraction toward that man.

What we are really talking about here is attraction.

Therefore, the best way to impress women is knowing how to trigger attraction within them.

Before I show you some ways to impress (or attract) women, let me give you a few pointers on getting into the right mindset to do so.

Knowing how to impress a woman starts with the right mindset.

There are two crucial mindsets you must have:

1. You are the value.

Many men think that the way to impress women is to buy them gifts, brag about themselves, take women to expensive places, or show off how much money they have.

That’s totally wrong.

Just the fact that you are a man is why she wants to see you. In fact, you don’t need anything at all to attract women.

Studies have shown that just putting a man and a woman physically close to each other builds attraction.

Yes, you read that right. You don’t have to do anything to attract her. You just need to not mess things up.

Sadly, though, that’s exactly what happens. Men mess up the natural attraction that occurs between them and women by trying to impress them.

Realizing that YOU are the value will give you more self-confidence.

This mindset will also attract the right kind of women. You will avoid gold-diggers.


2. The best way to impress a woman is by not trying to impress her at all.

This might seem counter-intuitive at first. But once you understand female psychology, it’s actually quite simple.

You see, when you come from the mindset that you want to impress her, you are subconsciously telling yourself that she is better than you.

And when you try to impress her, she will pick up on that. Seriously. Think about it for moment.

If you think of her as being on the same level as you or as being on a lower level then you, would you try to impress her?

Probably not.

Your mantra would probably be, “She should be happy that I even want to go on a date with her.”

Now, here’s the thing. Women want to date men that they perceive to be of higher value than them, or at least of equal value to them.

Every time you try to impress a woman she is subconsciously registering that you are of lower value then her. This in turn kills the attraction that she has or might have for you.

So when you try to impress a woman, you are actually achieving the complete opposite.


Easier said than done, you might say. And how exactly do you go about impressing a women without trying to impress her?

Here’s how.

How to impress a woman: the only three ways to do it.

Whatever you have read, or whatever people have told you in the past, there are only three ways to impress women.

Everything that a man can do to impress women falls into one of the following three categories:

Powers, Personality, and Presentation.

Presentation: your looks and the image that you project.

Powers: your skills.

Personality: your inner world.

Below I’m going to break down each of the three ways to impress women.

When you’re reading this, it’s important to understand that everybody has different strengths.

You should focus where your strengths are. If you are really good-looking, than you will want to use that natural advantage in your presentation.

If you are not particularly good-looking, then you want to focus on your powers and personality.

One is not better than the other. It’s just different ways to impress or attract women. In fact, women are not impressed by good-looking men if they have no personality or powers.

Let’s start with personality first.


1. How To Impress A Woman With Your Personality

By personality, I refer to your inner world. This includes your personality, mindsets, believes, and character traits. Here are two of the best character traits to impress women:

Mysteriousness & Carefreeness

What do we mean by mysteriousness?

To put it more simply, mystery is that which is not easily understood or comprehended.

The good news is that as an introvert, you are naturally mysterious. That’s a strength that you NEED to leverage. I’ll give you an example of how to do it later.

But first let’s talk about carefreeness a bit more.

What do we mean by being carefree?

Other words to describe it would be:

Detached from the outcome.



Remember when we said earlier that the best way to impress a woman is by not trying to impress her at all?

Carefreeness is perfect to accomplish that. It means that you don’t care whether she’s impressed by you or not. You are indifferent to that fact. That doesn’t mean you don’t want her—it means you don’t need her.

Tip 1: How to impress a woman with mystery & carefreeness

Here’s the situation: You are talking to a woman, and she asks you what you do for a living. Let’s look at two different responses.

The trying-to-impress-her answer:

“I’m a lawyer at Anderson & Anderson, and I’m about to become managing partner. That means I’ll be in charge of 200 people.”

The mysterious and carefree answer:

“I help people get what they are entitled to.” (Mysterious: it’s not easy to comprehend exactly what it is.)

“I also own an international drug trafficking ring.” (A light joke, showing you are carefree.)

Do you see the difference?

Which answer do you think is going trigger attraction?

The mysterious and carefree answer of course. It will make her curious and make her laugh at the same time. She’ll start asking questions to find out more about you.

Little by little, you disclose more. This way, she will find out by herself that you are an important person. She will think of you as the opposite of a bragger, and she will be really impressed.

Here’s a funny, carefree thing you can do when a woman asks for your name.

Instead of telling her your name, you say: “Brad… (wait until she says “Nice to meet you, Brad” and then you say)… Pitt.” You will probably get a laugh.

Many women will even playfully say, “Well, I’m Angelina Jolie”. Next, tell her your real name: “My name is John, actually. What’s your name?”

These are just some examples of what a carefree person would say. I hope these examples have helped you understand what we mean by impressing a woman by not trying to impress her.

Feel free to use these answers in your next conversations. That way, you will experience the impressing impact it has on women for yourself.

I hope you see this carefreeness is more than just using tricks. The key is to develop real carefreeness, and to become a carefree person. And when you do, you’ll automatically have these kinds of answers coming out of your mouth.

Women will be impressed by you and attracted to you like moths to the flame. The best part is that you didn’t come across as a “try hard”. Instead, you are mysterious and carefree.

Also, don’t worry—it won’t have any negative impact on the rest of your life. You’ll still be a responsible person. Being carefree is different from being careless.

Here is a list of more personality and character traits that impress women:

  • Dominance
  • Adventurous
  • Humor (especially cocky humor)
  • Confidence
  • Chivalry
  • Being calm, cool & collected
  • Being comfortable in your own skin
  • Having a strong frame
  • Being unaffected
  • Social intelligence
  • Sexuality
  • Having an abundance mindset
  • Decisiveness
  • Intelligence
  • Leadership

Show a woman any of these characteristics and she will be impressed. Unfortunately, I can’t go into all of them in detail here.

But if you want to develop these character traits, the best way to go is through personal coaching.

Would you like a FREE coaching session on how to impress women, become more carefree, and build these attractive character traits?

In this FREE session, I’ll build you a customized dating blueprint to help you take your dating life to the next level, so that ultimately you can find, get, and keep the woman of your dreams.

If you’d like that and want to know why I’m doing this for free, then read more about it here.

Okay, so now you have an overview of what personality traits really impress women.

Let’s take a look at your powers.

2. How To Impress A Woman With Your Powers

By “powers” I mean three things: your skills, your influence and your real power.

Women are impressed (attracted) by men who have good skills. The great thing is it doesn’t matter what that skill is. If you are talented at something, she will be attracted to you.

Look at how women are attracted to artists. Many artists are broke, but they have skills, and women are attracted to that. That’s because skills means potential. Women love men with potential, even if they are broke.

Women are also attracted to men with influence and power.

And again, if you have influence and power, leverage that strength and learn how to use it to impress women.

Be careful, though—if you use it in the wrong way, it won’t work. Just like bragging about your job has the opposite effect, the same is true for power.

If you don’t have power and influence, you might want to focus on your skills. Here’s how to do it. Make sure to invite women to places where you can show them your skills.

For example, if you are great at playing the piano, invite her to one of your concerts.

It doesn’t need to be a big concert. It can be a small one in a small establishment. It’s the fact that she sees your skill in action that matters.

But what if I don’t have a skill set that I can show off with?

Well, I have some good news for you, because…

Here’s an unexpected skill set you can excel at to impress women: dating skills.

Yes, you read that right. Dating skills will impress women. A skill is a skill, and when you excel at something, women will be attracted.

The advantage of dating skills is that you can show them off anywhere and anytime.

How to impress a woman with dating skills

Here’s an example of a crucial dating skill: deep bonding. Knowing how to structure a conversation to create a deep bond with women is a crucial skill to impress them. And you can learn it!

Imagine the following. You are mysterious and carefree. She’s impressed by it. You stand out from all the wimps that try to impress her and that put her on a pedestal. She’s totally attracted to you.

Now imagine that you are also capable of taking conversations to a deeper level, and connecting with her in a way that nobody else can.

How impressed do you think she will be? You’re the total package! Cool and carefree like James Dean, AND able to go deep and create a soulmate bond with her.

So how do you do it?

Tip 2: How to take any conversation topic and go deeper - talk about her past.

It goes like this: she tells you something about herself, and you use that topic to go deeper by going into her past.

For example, let’s say she tells you she’s an architect. You could say. “Not bad. Tell me, have you wanted to be an architect since you were a little girl?”

She’ll now tell you about what she wanted to be when she was a little girl.

The fact that she does that makes both of you more connected to each other.

This is because you are now talking about her past, and that’s not something people do unless they’ve known each other for a longer time.

By knowing how to speed up the process to talk about things that only very close people talk about, you actually form a deep bond much more quickly.

Now, guess what she will think if you had a conversation like this? She’ll feel like she’s known you her whole life after talking for just 30 minutes. She’ll get that soulmate feeling.

Talking about the past is just one technique you can use to stand out and create a deep bond. But, be warned! Don’t make the mistake of taking every subject she talks about back to her past. That would be weird.

There are many other techniques you can use to have deep bonding conversations with women. And deep bonding is just one dating skill, but there are many more.

If you would like to learn SPECIFIC dating powers TAILORED to your personality and to the kind of women that you like,then click here to learn more about our FREE coaching session.

Okay, so now that you know how to impress a woman with your powers, let’s look at how to impress them with your presentation.

3. How To Impress A Woman With Your Presentation

First, let’s define what we mean by your presentation.

Most people think that presentation is about being good-looking, but it’s much more than that. Your presentation is the overall impression and perception that she has of you.

That perception is made up by what she can observe about you and what she hears about you (your reputation).

I’ll give you an overview of everything that has an impact on your presentation later in this article.

First, I’d like to focus on what is the most important part of your presentation. And it’s not being good-looking. In fact, women are not impressed by good looks.

They are impressed by good body language. That’s right—body language is what triggers attraction.

In fact, even if you are a good-looking guy, if you have weak body language you will be unattractive to women.

If you want to know what body language really impresses women, think about James Dean. You don’t need to like his films or his acting skills, but he’s definitely the king of carefree body language.

Tip 3: A simple but powerful body language trick to impress women.

Here’s a great body language tip you can use when you’re at a restaurant, a club, a bar, or in any other venue.

When you are talking to a woman, make sure to maneuver yourself so that you have a wall behind you and the room in front of you.

It’s even better if you can lean against something, like a piece of furniture, the wall, or the bar.

But the main thing is that you want the room, all the other people, and the woman you are talking to in front of you.

Why does that impress women?

Many reasons.

First of all, it puts you in a power position. This goes back a long time in history, and it’s something that is hard-wired in us.

Throughout history, the highest-status person was always positioned with a wall behind him, and the room and crowd in front of him.

Think of the king sitting in his throne. He has a wall behind him and the room before him. That was to make sure nobody could attack him by surprise.

Throughout our evolution, that position has been associated with power. We are pre-wired to think like that.

When you position yourself like this, people will unconsciously think you are the most powerful man in the venue. And as you know, women are very attracted to men with power.

Secondly, when you talk to a woman from this position, she will be facing you with her back towards the crowd.

To all the other women in the room it looks like she’s chatting you up. That makes them even more attracted to you.

That’s the power of knowing how to present yourself.

Here are all the presentation elements that automatically impress women:

  • Body language
  • Social status
  • Entourage
  • Pre-selection
  • Fashion and style
  • Grooming
  • Haircut
  • Good looks
  • Your body

So there you have it, my friend—you now know the only three ways to impress women: presentation, powers, and personality.

And as always, take action. Don’t just read this, do something with it. Your dreams will only come true if you take action.

Here’s a GIFT to help you take action.

If you are looking for the fastest, easiest, most proven, most efficient, and most effective way to TURBOCHARGE your dating life… and if you want to not just impress women but take it to a whole new level and learn to get and keep a TOTAL TEN… read this.

What’s your best tip to impress women? Share your feedback in the comment section below.

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