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How To Kiss A Woman

How The Introverted Guy Can Get The Girl
How The Introverted Guy Can Get The Girl
How The Introverted Guy Can Get The Girl Part 2
How The Introverted Guy Can Get The Girl (part 2)

By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.

Would you like to learn how to kiss a woman like a real badass?

Maybe because you’ve never kissed a woman before. Or perhaps you have, but you want to improve your kissing skills.

Or maybe you just met that perfect woman and you want to make sure that when you kiss her, it will be fireworks and she’ll beg you for more.

You may not have even met her yet, but you want to be prepared well in advance. Or do you just want to be more successful with women in general?

Whatever your reason, it’s crucial that you learn to kiss her smoothly and with ZERO chance of rejection.

Here’s why it’s so critically important to learn how to kiss a woman


Knowing how to kiss a girl is the sign of a real badass.

All badasses throughout history knew exactly how to kiss women in ways that make them weak at their knees. From Marlon Brando & James Dean all the way to Ryan Gosling today, all of them were badass kissers!


The quality of the first kiss determines the further potential of the relationship.

That’s right, women tend to judge the romantic potential of a relationship based on the first kiss. They even daydream about the perfect first kiss.

So, if your first kiss sucks there’s a big chance she won’t get into a relationship with you.

But if your first kiss is electrifying, then she’ll (almost) always want to become your girlfriend.


Knowing how to kiss a girl increases your self-confidence.

When you know how to kiss a girl so damn good that she gets goosebumps, you’ll feel invincible.

You’ll feel like you have a special power that no other man has. And that increased self-confidence makes you more attractive to women.

Also, remember this… a gentlemen never kisses and tells, but women do! No matter how young or old they are, women tell their friends.

That means that when you know how to kiss a girl, she’ll tell her friends and they will tell their friends. And that, my friend, is great for your reputation.

It’s way more powerful than being good looking, tall or handsome.

Preselection basically means that women find you more attractive when they know that other women find you attractive. It’s a form of social proof.

So, by knowing how to kiss a girl like a badass, your reputation will create attraction for you even when you’re not there.

And last but not least, you’ll be the man that every other man wants to be.

In short, if you know how to kiss a girl, you’ll:

•Have more power and control over your dating life
•Be more successful with women
•And when you meet and kiss that one special woman, she’ll most probably want to become your girlfriend

On the other hand…

If you don’t know how to kiss a girl, you’ll:

Be a victim in your dating life
•Experience many failures in your love life
•Won’t be able to attract the kind of women that you want
•And you certainly won’t be able to turn that special woman into your girlfriend

Luckily, every man can learn how to kiss a girl. The steps are easy if you do them in the right sequence.

The thing is, you really need to know “the sequence”. If you switch the sequence, you’ll be in trouble.

But if you follow the sequence, then you are guaranteed to kiss her with:

•ZERO chance of rejection or humiliation
•ZERO awkwardness
•100% CERTAINTY that she will be desperate for more kissing (and even more)

I know that is a strong statement, but test it and see it for yourself.

So what is this sequence?

For many years I’ve had the privilege of studying, interviewing and modeling the best of the best when it comes to attracting women.

I’ve been implementing their strategies with countless men to teach them how to kiss a girl. And in doing so I’ve found what my customers and I believe to be the very best way to kiss a girl.

Here at Introverted Badass we call it “The Badass Kissing System”.

Why? Because that’s exactly what it is. It’s a sequence of steps that, if you follow them, will turn you into a Badass Kisser.


How to kiss a woman with The Badass Kissing System.

There are 7 steps in The Badass Kissing System.

Let’s dive into it and really learn how to kiss a girl.

1. Kiss Preparation
2. The Kiss Venue
3. Kiss Priming
4. Kiss Signals
5. The Kiss Test
6. The Kiss Her ‘Till Her Knees Tremble Technique
7. The Sex Trigger Kiss


So how do you use the The Badass Kissing System?

•If you’ve already kissed her and you just want to improve your kissing skills, only use steps 6 and 7.

•If you haven’t kissed her yet and you still need to go for that first kiss, then use all the steps.

•The first step is only necessary if you are starting out and learning. Once you get used to it, you won’t need step 1 anymore.

Step 1: Kiss Preparation

Knowing how to kiss a girl starts with preparation, and “Kiss Preparation” is exactly what it says. It’s preparing everything in advance so that you’ll get the kiss and make it count!

Why does this work?

Most men don’t think in advance of when, where and how to kiss a woman. They don’t think in advance of the logistics needed to be able to kiss her.

And so they go on a date and they are not mentally prepared. They don’t have a plan.

As a result they miss the moment. Or worse, they try to kiss her at the wrong moment or place. For example, in a place or at a time that is not appropriate for kissing.

So by preparing yourself, you are a) mentally ready and b) your logistics are in favor of getting a kiss. This just makes it much easier for you.

Here's what to prepare for:

  • Prepare mentally for the kiss by thinking of when, where and after what kind of moment you will kiss her.
  • Think in advance where you want to take her. You should ideally know the place so that you feel comfortable there. Being comfortable yourself is a big key to making a women feel comfortable. Here’s the thing: if you don’t feel comfortable, neither will she. And when a woman doesn’t feel comfortable she certainly won’t kiss you.
  • Visualize how you will use kiss priming and the kiss test explained in steps 3 & 4.
  • And if you’ve never kissed a woman before… as WEIRD as it might seem, visualize yourself kissing her using the techniques from steps 6 and 7. Practice it at home. I know… pretty weird hum… but would you prefer to ruin your chances by blowing it in real life?

When you are more used to using the ‘Badass Kissing Sequence’, you won’t need to do this preparation anymore.

The only thing I think you should always do, no matter how good you are, is thinking in advance where you will take her.

Logistics can really screw things up for you even if you are a pro.

Ok, so you’re prepared. Now it’s time for…

Step 2: The Kiss Venue

Knowing how to kiss a girl also means mastering the Kiss Venue.

The venue that you choose to take a woman to can make it so much easier for you to kiss her.

Here's why.

As you know, emotions and moods influence our behavior. And as you might also know, women are much more in contact with their emotions than men are.

Their behavior is influenced far more by their mood and feelings.

The venue that you take a woman to has a tremendous impact on her mood (and yours).

You need to choose a venue that brings her into the mood for kissing.

If you bring her to the right venue it will be much easier to kiss her, but if you bring her to the wrong venue it will be more difficult, perhaps even impossible to kiss her.

Contrast this. You go to a loud bar with very harsh bright lights almost like you’re inside a hospital, versus you take her to a quite wine bar where there is a fireplace and candlelight.

Which one do you think will get her in the mood for kissing?

Really. Knowing how to kiss a girl starts by knowing how to choose a Kiss Venue.

Here are some tips:

  • No restaurants. I advise that you don’t take women to dinner on a first or second date.

  • A quiet bar with nice soft lights and lounge music are good options. If you don’t have that option, choose something that has soft lights and a relaxing atmosphere. Preferably where you can sit next to each other in comfortable chairs or even a sofa.

  • Be careful not to go to romantic, because it might freak her out.

  • A good tip is to meet her near the place that you want to take her to and then first go for a walk. That way you both loosen up a bit and it makes conversation easier. This is because when you are walking together you are not staring at each other, and if there is a silence it’s not awkward at all. Also, you can make comments about the environment when you walk.

  • After you’ve walked for 20 to 30 minutes and you feel both comfortable together, you can go the place that you had in mind. You won’t have any awkward moments now because you already are comfortable together. Remember, she needs to feel comfortable before she will kiss you.

  • Also, when you go there after you’ve walked, it seems like you made the decision in the moment. “Look. That looks like a nice place, let’s go have a drink there.” That way, it doesn’t matter if it is a bit too romantic because it looks like you didn’t plan for it.

  • When you are in the venue it’s important that you sit next to her. If she sits herself opposite to you, just tell her to sit next to you. “Come sit here, the view is better from here.” The reason you want to do this is because it’s very difficult to go for the kiss when you’re sitting opposite to each other.

Ok, so you’re in the ideal venue and you are sitting next to each other. The fact that you are sitting next to her allows you to use…

Step 3: Kiss Priming

If you really want to learn how to kiss a girl, you need to learn the skill of Kiss Priming.

The worst thing that men do is that they don’t touch a woman for the whole date, and then suddenly out of the blue they launch in for a kiss.

Remember, a woman needs to feel comfortable before she will kiss you.

If you never even touched her, that means she’s not comfortable yet with you touching her. So if you go from no touching at all straight to the kiss, that physical comfort gap is too big to cross for her in just one second.

Therefore, I recommend that you learn physical escalation skills, which basically means you start by touching her immediately when you meet her and then incrementally increase your touch throughout the date.

You might start with a kiss on the cheek when you meet her. Next when you walk together and you cross the street you can put your hand on her lower back.
Here’s a question you might have: When is it time to kiss her?

The answer is: there is no hard measure for this. The best time is when you “feel” that you want to kiss her.

You will see that when you go on a date with a woman, you actually will not want to kiss her right away.

You might find her attractive, but you won’t have that feeling of “I want to kiss her right now”.

That’s because subconsciously you know that the timing is wrong.

However, throughout the date you’ll have a moment when you will really feel that you want to kiss her.

That’s your trigger. That’s the moment. That’s when it will be natural.

Trust me, you won’t get that feeling unless the timing is right. You won’t get that feeling if the date is going horribly.

You see, your subconscious mind will give you that feeling at the right time. I know it’s strange, but you’ll see it for yourself.

This is not something based on just my own experience. I’ve been helping men become successful with women for more than 20 years now, and they all agree with this.

When you get the feeling that you want to kiss her, that’s the moment.

So what do you do when that moment comes? Here are some tips:

  • When you feel like kissing, just start imagining that you are kissing her, and keep looking at her while you imagine kissing her. By now you will both have rapport with each other and she will feel the shift in your energy. By you shifting your state, she will slip into this state with you and she will start thinking of kissing you too. Strange stuff, but it works.

  • Use triangular gazing. That means you look from one eye to the other to her lips and repeat the process. So you look for one second in her right eye, then you look for one second in her left eye, then you look for one second at her lips, then again to her right eye, and so on.


If you would like to learn more dating skills like these that are tailored to your personality and to the kind of women that you like, apply for a FREE coaching session.

In this ABSOLUTELY FREE coaching session, I’ll build you a CUSTOMIZED dating plan that will help you gain more influence over women, have more success in your dating life, and ultimately attract and keep the woman of your dreams.

Read this letter here and find out why I’m doing this for free.


Step 4: Kiss Signals

Knowing how to kiss a girl also means knowing how to read her body language.

By now she should be giving you signals that she’s ready to be kissed, especially if you did the steps from Kiss Priming.

  Here are some attraction signals that tell you she’s ready to be kissed.

• She starts playing with her hair.

• She starts being more girly. That can be expressed in many ways. Just look at her and see when she becomes more feminine or girly. You’ll see it. You are a man. You’re prewired to see when women act more girly.

• She touches you. It doesn’t matter where. The fact that she touches you means she’s interested in you.

• She gives you prolonged eye contact.

• She looks at your lips.

• There are many more signals, but there’s not enough space to reveal all of them in this document.

Do you need to get all those signals? Of course not. It’s just a list and it comes in handy to recognize when a woman does one of the things on the list, because that gives you the green light to go for the kiss.

“But what if I don’t get kiss signals?”

Good question. If you don’t get kiss signals, does that mean she doesn’t want to kiss you? The answer is: ABSOLUTELY NOT.

As I just said, a kiss signal is a green light. But here’s the deal: women don’t have to give you green lights, so don’t focus on them.

Instead you should focus on the “ABSENCE OF RED LIGHTS”. You see, some women give kiss signals, but others don’t.

Sometimes it’s because they are shy. For example, a shy woman will not give you prolonged eye contact even if she wants to kiss you.

And some women just don’t give off signals at all – they just passively allow you to escalate.

So if you don’t get kiss signals or if you are not sure, then use…

Step 5: The Kiss Test

If you want to learn how to kiss a girl with ZERO chance of rejection, then you need to learn the Kiss Test.

The Kiss Test proactively tests if she’s ready to be kissed by escalating your touch and touching areas that she would never allow you to touch if she did not want you to kiss her.

If she allows you to touch her in these areas without objecting, she’s definitely ready to be kissed. In other words, the only thing you need when you do the kiss test is an “ABSENCE OF RED LIGHTS”.

Here’s what to do:

• Smell her neck. Ask her what perfume she’s wearing. Tell her you like it and then smell her neck. Make sure you go very close so that your nose touches or almost touches her neck, then take a deep smell. Don’t just smell to smell, but smell and enjoy her smell. Inhale her very deep. And when you smell her, move your nose up and down her neck.

You want to do it in a way that gives her goosebumps. This is a very animalistic thing to do. Watch how she reacts. Does she willingly give her neck to you to smell? When you smell her and you tell her she smells great, how does she react? Does she seem to like it?

After you’ve smelled one side of her neck, you can then go and smell her other side. How does she react? Is she into it? Does she smile or laugh? Does she playfully hit you and tell you to stop? That’s a good sign.

• Covertly touch her hair. Pretend there is something in her hair, and slowly move your hand to it to take it out. If she pulls away then it’s not time for the kiss yet. You should continue the conversation and go back to doing some more kiss priming and try again later. You see, nothing bad happened. You didn’t get rejected. You just tried to take something out of her hair. That’s the power of invisible micro escalation.

And if she doesn’t pull away, then just gently touch her hair and act as if you take the thing out of her hair. This is a great sign. Now you should continue the conversation for a bit longer before you escalate further.

Contrast this with the following. Let’s say you didn’t touch her for the whole evening and she is sitting opposite to you. Suddenly you launch yourself over the table and try to kiss her. She says no! How would that feel? Do you see why invisible micro escalation is so important?

• Overtly touch her hair: Now that she lets you “covertly” touch her hair, it’s time to touch her hair “overtly”. After a bit more conversation you now just gently take her hair in in your hand and touch it overtly (without excuse). If she allows you to do that, you can go in for the kiss.

But if you are really new to this and if you still don’t feel confident after you’ve used the steps from the Kiss Test, then you can do the following.


You can make her “tell you” that she wants to kiss you.

However, I recommend against this. The reason is because it’s not so smooth or masculine.

If you do the things that I just explained to you, you won’t need to use it. This is because you use invisible micro escalation.

The worst thing that could happen is that you see she doesn’t feel comfortable when you do a micro escalation move.

And if that’s the case, then you just back off a bit, continue the conversation and simply try again later. No big deal.

But if you still prefer to make her verbally confirm you can kiss her, I’m going to give it to you anyway. Again though, I recommend not using it because I think it’s weak.

However, it does work. And if you really have very low self-confidence, then it could help you get a kiss and make your first steps.

If you use it, only use it as practice wheels so to speak, and get rid of it ASAP. Be a man!


Anyways, it goes like this.

First you do all the steps that I described above, and then after you’ve overtly touched her hair and she’s ok with it, you say “You look like you want to kiss me.”

Now this is different than asking her, “Do you want to kiss me?” or “Can I kiss you?” NEVER “ASK” FOR THE KISS. NEVER. OK?

So, back to the money line – “You look like you want to kiss me”. You will now get 1 of 3 responses:

1. Yes. >> Go ahead and kiss her.

2. I’m not sure / maybe / why would you think that. >> You say: “Well, let’s find out” and kiss her.

3. No. >> You say: “Of course you do, you have those doggy dinner bowl eyes on.” Say this with a playful smirk on your face.

That way, if the third option happens, you just teased her and busted on her, and that amplifies attraction so you can try again later.

When you try again later, don’t ask the same thing again. Just go for the kiss.

Just so you know, I can virtually guarantee you that when a woman lets you touch her hair (especially overtly), she wants kiss you and you won’t need this technique.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn even more dating techniques for FREE. I can build you a CUSTOMIZED, step-by-step, totally no-fail plan to get the woman of your dreams and keep her, FOR FREE.


Step 6: The Kiss Her ‘Till Her Knees Tremble Technique

You wanted to learn how to kiss a girl, right? Then this is the moment that you’ve been waiting for.

I’ll give you a great technique that will make your first kiss stand out like a stallion in a prairie full of dwarf donkeys.

So how does it work? Let’s look at some guidelines first.

You can look at kissing in the same way as kiss priming where you use micro escalation. It’s the same with the actual kiss.

You don’t go all the way and put your tongue in her throat when you kiss her for the first time. That would be too much! You need to build it up gradually.


Here’s how to kiss a girl for the first time:

• Gently go for the kiss.

• Kiss her lips softly.

• Close your eyes. Feel her. Appreciate her.

• Upper lip/lower lip. Kiss her upper lip, then kiss her lower lip. And alternate this. Don’t put her lips inside your mouth. Just gently kiss her upper lip, then kiss her lower lip.

• You can use A LITTLE, LITTLE, LITTLE BIT of your tongue when you kiss her upper lip/lower lip. Don’t put your tongue in her mouth. But use it as an extension of your lips so that when you alternate between kissing her upper/lower lip, your tongue touches her lips very gently.

• Enjoy the texture of her lips on yours. Try to feel the shape of her lips using yours.

• Do this for 3 to 5 seconds max and be the first one to stop.

I guarantee you that this kiss will make her weak at her knees. And the fact that you were the one that pulled back first will make her desperate for more.

So after you kissed her ‘till her knees tremble, you just go back to more conversation and kiss her again later.

When you kiss her later, you use the Kiss Her ‘Till Her Knees Tremble Technique again, but you gradually escalate your kissing depending on how intensely she kisses you back.


There are 4 things that you can escalate:

  1. The duration of your kiss. Kiss her longer and longer. But don’t make too big jumps. Don’t go from 3 seconds to 1 minute. It’s better if you micro escalate.

So, for example you go from 3 seconds to 8 seconds, and then maybe 15 seconds, etc… You don’t want to be seen as needy or desperate.

2. While kissing her, use your hands and gently touch her face. Also, run the back of your index finger down her cheek until it’s under her chin.

3. While kissing her, you can also caress her body, like her shoulders, back, arms and waist. Don’t touch her breasts or erogenous zones at this point though.

4. How much tongue you use. You can use more and more tongue until you really are French kissing. The same applies here; don’t go from no tongue to putting your tongue all the way in her throat. Instead, micro escalate it and feel how she responds.

Ok, so you’ve kissed her multiple times and you had more than one date, or if you’re reading this and you already have a girlfriend, then you are ready for…

Step 7: Sex Trigger Kiss

If you are really serious about learning how to kiss a girl, then the Sex Trigger Kiss is your ultimate goal.

The Sex Trigger Kiss is a kiss that triggers “I Want Sex With Him Now” feelings in women.

It arouses women to the point where they will desperately want to have sex with you. So when and where do you use the Sex Trigger Kiss?

It’s better that you use the Sex Trigger Kiss when you are in a location where you can have sex with her.

At your place, her place, or a hotel. A place where both of you are alone and nobody can walk in.

A woman needs to feel comfortable and safe with you before she will have sex with you.

Another reason why you don’t want to use the Sex Trigger Kiss in a place where you are not alone is because it will make her so aroused that she probably will not come to your place.

This is because she knows that she’s up for it and she knows what will happen if she comes to your place in that sexually aroused state.

It’s better to use this kiss when you are already at your place.

Here’s how to kiss a girl with the Sex Trigger Kiss:

• Start by using The Kiss Her ‘Till Her Knees Tremble Technique and escalate more and more until you have your tongue in her mouth.

• DON’T just start putting your tongue in her mouth yet.

• But when you alternate kissing her upper/lower lip, start using more and more tongue, and really increase the “PASSION” of your kiss. You need to really feel it. Use much more tongue, but don’t stick it in her mouth yet.

• Also, take her in your arms when you do this. Put one hand behind her back at shoulder level and one hand behind her back at the lower back level. Really take her in your arms.

• Continue escalating the passion and the tongue. Still though, don’t stick your full tongue in yet.

• Next you can escalate more and take her face in both your hands while continuing to kiss her. Literally put one hand on one side of her head and one hand on the other side. Your thumbs should be on her ears or just behind them, and the rest of your hands should be on the backside of her head. You are holding her jaws with your two hands like you would hold a big cup. This is very dominant and will really arouse her.

• While you have her face in your hands, keep increasing the passion and go for a full tongue in the mouth. Start by gently rolling the tip of your tongue against the tip of her tongue, and she while open her mouth wider to let you in deeper.

• Next you go in deeper and it should be like you are massaging the inside of her mouth with your tongue now.

• Keep massaging the inside of her mouth with your tongue and continue building the passion. Keep building up and up and up and finally press your tongue as far as you can in her mouth. Turn it around, push left, right, wherever you want. You are eating her from inside her mouth. Press your mouth hard against hers when you are doing this. Be raw! Be primal! Be animalistic! I guarantee that she’ll be horny as hell by now and desperately wanting to have sex.

WARNING: If you were to do this for the first kiss on a date it would be a total turn-off, but when you do it later by gradually escalating and in a private place, she will love it.

I’m going to repeat myself because this is really crucial. It all has to happen “incrementally with micro escalation”.

And if you feel that she doesn’t like it or if she pulls back, just wait a bit, give her more time and start escalating again.

If there is any resistance, use the 1 step back, 2 steps forward technique.

That means if you feel resistance in the kiss, take one step back and then make two steps forward.

For example, if she resists a bit when you put your tongue in, then just go back to kissing her lips with a bit of tongue on them.

Go on a bit and then go back in with the tongue. She will accept it. Next you go heavier and heavier with the tongue.

And if she resists, you go one step back again, just to go two steps forward later.

Keep repeating this until you are doing a full Sex Trigger Kiss.

Congratulations! You now know The Badass Kissing System!

Now that you’ve learned how to kiss a woman without rejection and make her beg you for more…how would you like to get lots of dates…kiss lots of beautiful women, and …live a life of abundance with women… so that you can ultimately choose the one that you like the most – your own Perfect Ten?

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Read this letter now and learn all about it.  

There is one more thing that you need to learn if you want to be a real badass, and that is…

Kiss Recovery

(most probably NEVER necessary if you use the kiss test)

If you try to kiss her (step 6) but she doesn’t allow it, what do you do next?

First of all, know that this will probably NEVER happen if you do invisible micro escalation with kiss priming and the kiss test.

So don’t worry, I’m just putting it here to be complete. I’m confident you won’t need it.

However, here are a few pointers that can be useful to know.

The first thing that you need to know is that you get points for trying. Really. Women like men who go after what they want and have the courage and self-confidence to do it.

Just by trying you win points. The fact that you tried to kiss her in and of itself will give her a spike of attraction for you.

In fact, you might notice that after you tried to kiss she’ll give you very obvious attraction signs, like playing with her hair or smiling.

You may even see a dreamy state in her eyes. You know, the “I can’t believe that just happened to me positive dreamy state”.

The second thing you need to know is that if she doesn’t allow you to kiss her after you did micro escalation and the kiss test, you can still be 100% sure she is attracted to you and wants to kiss you.

Otherwise, she would never have accepted the micro escalation.

Imagine that a guy were to do micro escalation on you – he would touch your hand, pretend there’s something in your hair and gently try to touch your hair… how would you react?

You probably would NOT allow his micro escalation and you would be very uncomfortable. That’s because you don’t want this to happen.

It’s the same with women; if they don’t want it to happen, they won’t allow the micro escalation.

So if you made it all the way through the kiss test and she doesn’t kiss you, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to kiss you.

In fact, it means the opposite. It means that she’s attracted to you and wants you to kiss her.

But why doesn’t she allow you to kiss her then? Here are the 4 most probable reasons.

1. She’s testing to see if you can take it. When women are attracted to men, they test them. That’s because they want to know if they’re the real deal. Not kissing is a test that many women use to see how you react. If you pass that test she’ll be even more attracted to you.

2. She doesn’t want to be seen as easy. She might like the escalation but at the point of the kiss she can get the feeling it was a bit too fast. She really likes you but doesn’t want to be seen as an easy girl.

3. She might not want to be kissed in that location. Some women are uncomfortable with kissing in public. It can happen.

4. She might have a boyfriend she didn’t tell you about. She likes you and the escalation, but when the kiss comes she might get second thoughts or feel guilty.


So what do you do if it happens?

Here are two different scenarios. The first is, you try to kiss her and she turns her face away and gives you her cheek. Gently put your fingers on her chin and turn her lips back to you and kiss her anyway.

The second is, you try to kiss her and she pulls her head backwards away from you. You could still “GENTLY” take her head with your two hands and “GENTLY” pull her towards you and try and kiss her anyway, and most of the time she will kiss you.

If you feel the slightest resistance or if she still pulls away, then leave it there. There’s a big difference between being dominant and becoming abusive.

If she really doesn’t want to kiss then just stop. You will see the difference on her face.

Does she pull away with a smile? That means she likes it.

Does she pull away and firmly says “NO, I don’t want that” and looks serious? Then stop immediately.

Now listen, if you did micro escalation and the kiss test and she allowed that, then this last situation will not happen. Guaranteed.

But just in case it does, just pretend nothing happened. Get back to your conversation and try again later.

The fact that you aren’t affected by it will make her attraction for you skyrocket.

You must be a “very” self-confident man if this doesn’t affect you. And as you know, self-confidence is extremely attractive to women.

Women love to get conquered and they love it when you fight for them. They love it when you don’t get destabilized by a test or a ‘no’ – as long as you always remain respectful of her and NEVER force anything!

So here you are my friend. You just learned how to kiss a girl with the Badass Kissing Sequence!

Now it’s up to you to implement it in your life and make it real. Don’t just read this, but really take massive action. Information without action is useless.

One great action that you can take right now is to apply for your FREE consultation.

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As you know, getting the kiss and more is all about physically escalating the relationship.

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What’s your best tip to kiss a woman without rejection? Share your feedback in the comment section below.

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